Chapter 30

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Ariella looked at Anthea, her hair styled like she was a pixie. The dress she was wearing floated around her waif like frame, Ariella had never seen her friend dressed so beautifully. It was a salmon pink strapless dress that hugged her chest and hung beautifully down to the floor. Silver sparkles peeked out from under the material, the straps of her shoes glinting in the light. Anthea had been reluctant to wear a strapless dress for such a formal occasion, seeing as she had a fair number of tattoos on show, but Ariella waived her off. She didn't care about it; she was used to them. After all, her mother had a fair few of them on her body. Anthea was her friend and it didn't matter to Ariella. She liked the snake, it reminded her of the glint from the blade the night she saved Zane. It looked like the snake was going to bite her, but it delivered a knife that popped out the bullet from his body. Ariella also liked the butterfly on her back, it reminded her of how life can change. Of how the butterfly would emerge from the chrysalis, changing and becoming something different.

Anthea swirled around, the skirt of the dress wafted in the breeze, settling around her as she stopped and looked at Ariella.

'What's wrong? Don't you like this dress now?'

'It's fine.' Ariella grinned.

Ariella turned to the sound of Paxton crying, cooing over him with one very happy grin.

'Are you two going to be good today?'

The baby stared at his mother, sucking on his dummy hard. Aiden was still asleep; his brother rarely woke him when he went down for his morning nap. She lifted Paxton into her arms, knowing he wouldn't sleep now, he knew something was going on. Ariella took him to the windows that overlooked the court yard, watching as the staff prepared the area. It was a glorious day, the sun was shining bright, there were fluffs of white clouds in the sky and there was a gentle warm breeze floating through the open windows. The door creaked open, her mother and her grandmother walked in.

'Shouldn't you be getting ready?' her mother sauntered over with a grin.

'It's a bit early don't you think?'

'If that's the case, then why is Anthea dressed and ready to go?'

Ariella scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

'Anthea was ready a week ago.'

'Too right.' she grinned.

'How is my father, freaking out yet?'

'Your father is on babysitting duties.' Scarlett grinned 'It takes me far too long to ready for such important occasions and as such I informed him that he had to look after the triplets. You should see the chaos.'

'Have you eaten something yet?' Mae asked.

'Of course grandmother, as if I could ignore the growling of my stomach.'

Mae took Paxton from her arms and made lots of cutsie noises at him. Elston barged into the room, not bothering to knock or to at least wait to ensure it was safe for him to enter.

'Dad wants to know where you're hiding the nappies.'

'So soon? I just changed them.'

'Yeah well if you don't believe me, then please, go and look for yourself. I'm sure dad would love to pass this one over to you.'

Scarlett chuckled.

'No, I'm sure he's doing a great job. You can tell him they are right beside the change table, where they have always been. If he opens his eyes, he will be able to see them.'

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