Chapter 7

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Zane had wanted to see Ariella again but the slave keeper was watching him, never letting him out of his sight. It also seemed like she was avoiding him, a week had passed and he had not seen her. Many times the keeper had caught him looking at her windows and many times he found the sharp bite of his whip. The summer months were getting closer, the harsh winter now a distant memory. The days were longer, the nights seemed just as hot as the day. Ariella had been busy with her duties, the day of liberation was closing in. It was a day of celebration for all vampires, the day that the humans handed over control of the earth. They had destroyed the earth and, in what they thought was its final hour they gave up hope, allowing the vampires to take control. There was very little water left, the oceans had receded to a few scattered lakes. Most of the animals were dead, the trees were few and far between, the majority of the plants that kept the humans alive were what the vampires planted at their properties. There were a few places that had plenty of trees and water, that was where humanity had moved to when the vampires started to round them up. The queen had decreed that humans were no longer allowed to roam the earth, they did not deserve it, they had their chance and they blew it. It was the vampires that saved humanity in those days so long ago. They took them to the farm and bred them, kept them alive. Some of the humans thought it was wonderful the vampires took pity on their race, but there were those that knew better and hid from them. And how right they were.

Ariella sat with her mother planning the ball, now they were down to their final preparations, it was only weeks away. This year was an extra special year, the fiftieth year of vampiric rule. Zane watched them in the pergola, the rare cool breeze floated past them, catching Ariella's perfume. Her mother gathered up some of the papers in front of them and scurried down the path to the house. He watched her with the papers, held to her chest above a very large belly, heavy with pregnancy. Zane quickly looked for the slave keeper, for once he was nowhere around. He quietly walked up behind her and stood at the edge of the pergola, leaning on the metal rake.


She turned and saw him, he looked scruffier than usual, but still so damned good looking.

'I do believe the proper way to address me is my lady.'

'And I do believe that you said when no one was around it would be different.'

She looked at his skin, fresh whip marks, she gestured for him to sit on the lounge with her.

'What did you do?'

He looked down to the ground, remembering every single painful memory and shrugged.

'You know, the usual.'

'Have you been to see the nurse?'

He shook his head, not realising it was an option for him.

'Come on, I'll show you where she is.'


Zane gritted his teeth as she wiped the antiseptic cream over the wounds. The nurse was in mid jump and Ariella had to tend to his wounds. She was trying to be careful but wasn't very good at it, his back seared with pain. When she was done, she walked around the narrow hospital bed and checked the front of his body for wounds. He liked having her this close and alone. She stood in between his legs tending to a wound that sat on the front of his shoulder and the top of his arm. Ariella looked divine to him, her ostentatious dress, a tight red bodice that pushed up her cleavage, the top layer of her skirt puckered up on either side of her hips, revealing a layer of black material underneath it. He was tempted to run his fingers along the edge of the bodice, touching her. She was so close to him, when she stopped tending his wound she put the cloth down, an uneasiness washed through her. The smell of the cream disguised the smell of his blood, so for the time being he was safe. Zane could no longer contain himself, his fingers ran down her neck and over her chest, slipping onto her cleavage. His hand spread out as it moved over the edge of the bodice, taking her full form into his hand. The other hand had already made its way to the back of her neck, pulling her in to kiss her. Her kiss was amazing and he felt her fangs as his tongue skimmed past them. He pulled her closer, his hand on the small of her back feeling the material of her dress. The other was on her neck at the base of her ear, his fingertips touching the soft strands of hair. His body warmed as her hands touched his torso, taking a tentative touch. Feeling her relax into the kiss as her hands slipped over his abs to his waist. Then she quickly pulled from his kiss and took a step back, he was perplexed at her behaviour. Her skin was flushed, her lips red from the kiss. Zane was about to say something to her when the nurse walked into the room.

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