Chapter 17

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It was midnight before the keeper fell into his drunken sleep. The television was up so loud Zane thought that everyone on the whole estate could hear it. So far, the plan was going off without a hitch. The keeper was in his usual routine of getting drunk and passing out on the lounge, he knew the guards change over times, he knew the best place to exit the property. Now all he needed was to get to the women's compound. He skulked along the corridors avoiding attention. As he passed through them he looked up at the windows of the castle, to Ariella's room, in his mind he apologised to her. He had no choice, he had to get her out before tomorrow night. The moon grinned down on him, a dark malevolent smile that haunted him. He could imagine the silvery light laughing at him, mocking him, watching him as he walked to his imminent death. With the stars at its side, the laughter rung through his head, taunting him with whispers of dead man walking, pissing off a vampire, smooth move human. The mocking laughter of thousands of glittering stars joined the moon, heckling him with every step. Wind whistled around him, swaying the trees, snaking through the long grass and wildflowers at their base. The boughs creaked with the movement, motioning to his destination. It was like the earth wanted him to continue, whispering to him to ignore the old moon.

When he arrived at the women's compound he quietly broke into the office. Zane never thought that all those times of breaking into homes and shops that it would actually be of some benefit to him. Well not benefiting him exactly. But it was done, the door clicked and slowly it opened, creaking as it moved. He slipped in, only opening the door halfway, the noise was too much for him. It was something that could throw his plans out the window, it would be his luck to get this far and be caught because of a squeaky door. The office was the next place to break into, it was right by the front door. A counter with a big glass window showed the office area behind, the only access was a cutaway at the bottom of the glass panel, far too small for even a child to get through. The only access was the door to the left of it, which was of course, locked. After another few minutes of breaking in, he had gained access to the office area. Quietly Zane prayed that this computer thing didn't make as much noise as the one the in the men's quarters. Thankfully, this one was far more quiet, he figured out where she was. Ground floor, room five. This was the part of his plan that he could not account for, he had no clue of the layout of the women's compound or the guard's routine. Zane moved out of the office and hid in the shadows watching the patrolling guard move from the ground floor up to the first floor. He tried to remain calm as he moved to her door, he knew that an over-active heart would be a giveaway and he would be caught.

Zane stared at the number on the door, one plain silver five. His fingers rubbed over the number, feeling the coldness of the metal. With a heavy breath he closed his eyes, wishing he could have a lifetime but knowing he would have no more than a few minutes. This was hello and goodbye and his heart was breaking. He only wanted the best for her, tears welled in his eyes knowing this was going to be hell. She would fight him, she would try and reason with him, she would beg and plead to try and change his mind, she would try to order him to do as she told. But it would be of little use, he had to do what was right. Zane wiped the tears from his eyes, putting on a brave face. He had to pretend all was well otherwise he would never get her past the front door. She would probably throw a tantrum, stomping her feet and yell at him and likely alerting the guard to his presence. Then all this would be for nothing.

His hand reached for the door knob, the cold metal biting at his skin, reminding him of the cruel night that laughed at him. Turning it slowly, waiting for the door to creak. But it was quiet, not a sound made. The room smelled of her, the soft fragrant smell of lavender. He smiled remembering her picking them from a field as they grew wildly. Putting a stalk above her ear, the little purple flowers sitting against her pretty blonde hair. Those big bright green eyes seemed so alive back then, so happy and carefree. He never could have thought that she would disappear the very next day. No one knew where she had gone, there had been a few women that disappeared that day. Everyone feared the worst, that it was the rogues that took them. They searched for them, not wanting to give up so easily. But they never found them. Until now. Zane had found one. One woman who had been captured by a vendor and sold to a vampire family. His only consolation was that at least she was still alive. How her life had been since that day, he had no idea but he hoped she had been treated well.

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