"You're the angel every ones been talking about aren't you?"

"How did you know that?" I asked it with wide eyes.

"You're the talk of the animal kingdom."

"And why is that?"

"You're the one who's going to change the world."

"What do you mean? How do you know that?"

"Animals know everything." were it's last words before it scurried away.

"Well what did it say?"

"It knew that I was the angel and said that i'm going to change the world."

"Well that was weird. I wonder what that's about."

"Me too." I nodded as we walked out of the woods, back to the place we were before.

"So you wanna go home or do you want to continue training?"

"Let's keep going."


It is currently seven in the afternoon on a Sunday and I am completely exhausted.

But I can say that it was all worth it, we trained since nine in the morning till six. Afterwards we got something to eat and went home. I can proudly say that we work great together and from now on we're going to be saving the world together.

I know that's really cheesy and all but it's true in a way, I wonder what our name should be.

"Angel I just wanted to apologize for yesterday."

"Um, Mavor, didn't we talk about knocking the other day?"

"Oh sorry." He apologized, walked back to the door and knocked.

"Thanks. Come in." I muttered.

"Anyway's about yesterday—"

"It's fine."


"Well it wasn't that big of a deal."

"That's not what I meant. I mean why do you forgive so easily?"

"So you don't want me to forgive you?"

"No that's not what I meant either! Ugh just forget it. I'm sorry that's all." he groaned walking out of the room.

Okay that was weird.


"So have you gotten any yet?" Serenity asked.

"Any what?"

"You know, visions?"

"Shh! People will hear you."

"Well sorry but i've been waiting for so long." she groaned.

"It's only been a couple of days." I pointed out.

"That's a really long time. I'm just so excited."


"You know I've always wanted to be a superhero so I could kick butt."

"Since when? You never mentioned it before."

"Well I started yesterday but still."

"I told you she went here."

I know that voice...

"Hey Mitch, James, you guys go here?"

"Yup, we're seniors."

"I guess that's why I haven't seen you guys around."

"Yeah you guys are juniors right?"


"Well I've always wanted a younger girlfriend." James muttered to himself a little to loudly, causing Mitch to elbow him in the ribs.

"We'll have none of that today."Mitch scolded. 

"Well, although we would love to see James get hit again, we have to go find Xavier. So...see ya." She said, walking away and pulling me with her.

"Thanks Serenity."

"Don't mention it. I know how awkward you are around guys."

"I-I am not. Just guys that say stuff like that."

"Well then how are you ever going to get a boyfriend?"

"Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want one."

She stopped dead in her tracks turned to me, grabbed my shoulders, looked me straight in the eyes, and said in a serious tone, "Don't you ever say that again." then started laughing.

"You sure are something." I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm sorry but it was funny."

"Hey did you guys hear about Mrs. Hemsworth and Mr. Oak?" Xavier asked as we got to our lockers.

"No what about them?"

"People say that they're "study buddies" if you catch my drift."


"Won't they get fired though? I thought staff couldn't be involved with other staff members."

"Well they're under investigation right now but yeah if it turns out to be true they'll most likely get fired." 

"Wait a minute, aren't they both married?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Ah yes that's what makes it so much more scandalous." Xavier smirked.

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