Little Cousin

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"Alright," Addi said, plopping down on the edge of my bed. Turning to look straight at me, she said, "Here's the thing. It's true I graduated high school two years ago. I've been working undercover--transferred in ahead of your arrival. My job is to keep an eye on you, but--" rolling her eyes at Chance, she said, "My dear cousin here just had to go and get himself in the way."

I blinked back at her, "Your cousin?" And, you know, whatever that other thing was she'd said about being undercover.

I looked to chance, but he only nodded.

The heck. So that's how they knew each other. But still, they didn't seem to be on super great terms.

"Your little scene back there may have caused a bit of trouble," Addi said, "The police are one thing, but the enforcers are another matter entirely. Once they get word of this, and I'm sure they already have--"

"Hang on, the what now?" I glanced over my shoulder at Chance to see if he knew what she was talking about, but his expression was impossible to read. He stood motionless against the wall, watching with arms crossed. Okay, well I did get one thing. He didn't look happy.

"It's like this," Addi said, picking up a pillow and tossing it back and forth between her hands. "There's rules to be followed. Rules even the wealthiest families don't get to break." Looking back at me she added, "Without consequences, that is."

"And you know about all this because... you're a..." I looked at her, waiting for her to finish what I already knew.

But she only grinned, standing up. "A demon, if that's what you're asking. Come on now, I'd have thought the fabled Lost Seed would be a little more perceptive."

What the heck. Even Addi knew about the whole 'Lost Seed' business?

Hold that thought.

This all meant--Addi really was a demon, a demon like Mercurius or his mother. I stared at her with her bright smile and the two long braids that made her look even younger. A demon. You know, aside from the fact that she knew all this, I'd never have believed it.

Then again, so far all the demons I'd met had looked normal. Even Mercurius, although I suppose there was a certain regal sort of air about him, but I figured that was just due to the fact that his family had more money than I could even imagine.

Suddenly something clicked, "I get it now," I said, thinking back on PE. "That's why you're such a fast runner."

Addi snapped her fingers, pointing at me with a grin, "Right you are," she said, "And now that you're all up to speed, what do you say we figure out a plan. The enforcers could show up any minute."

"Hold it," said Chance, stepping between us. "How do we know you're on our side?"

I have to admit, I rather liked that Chance said our side. As in, he was counting himself on mine.

But I suppose that wasn't the biggest thing I should have been thinking about at the moment. You know, like maybe I should have been a bit more worried about these 'enforcers' or whatever coming to investigate my nearly blowing up the girls in the hall with the explode-y palm light I'd accidentally conjured up. Yeah.

But it was hard to be worried about something I'd never even heard of. I mean, how bad could they be? And it wasn't like I'd done it on purpose. Heck, I couldn't have if I wanted to.

And when-in-the-heck was I gonna get to wash this jam out of my hair? I got the sinking feeling it wasn't going to be for a while. Not if this was going where I thought it might be.

"Oh, come on, little cuz," Addi said to Chance, eyes shining like she enjoyed calling him little. I could only assume it was to be funny, considering she was at least half a foot shorter than him. "When have I ever not been on your side?"

"How about this," Chance said, "She comes over to my place until this settles down."

Addi folded her arms, facing off in front of him. "Yeah right. She'll come to mine."

"You were involved in the incident. They'll be at your house next."

"Um," I said, cutting between them, "Hey, so, why don't we just talk to these enforcers, whoever they are? I mean, it was an accident and all. I can explain."

They both looked at me for a moment like they were trying to decide if I were serious. Than Chance made a small "Tch," sound like it was the dumbest thing he ever heard. "Since you're so smart, Addi, you tell her why that's a stupid idea."

Addi made a face, let out a long exhale, and turned back to me. "Because you're not even supposed to be able to have that power. That's why."

From downstairs came the sound of the doorbell.

All three of us looked at each other.

"How bad can they be?" I asked, "I mean, they had the decency to ring the bell."

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