Chapter 1 ~

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-Serena’s POV-

“Hey babe! How amazing was the party last night?” Serena’s best friend Katie greeted her on their way to the train station.

“Um, what party and why are you talking so lou-“

“Shh, Harry’s right behind us!”

“Yeah, with his girlfriend Emma. You have to stop chasing after him already.”

It had been a year since Katie had announced her love for Harry Styles, lead singer of the town’s only good band, White Eskimo. She would never do anything about it though, when Serena suggested telling him about her feelings Katie looked at her like she was crazy. Harry Styles doesn’t do feelings, talking about emotions freaks him out. 

Serena admitted that it was true; a whole string of dumped ex-girlfriends could confirm it.

They finally arrived at school after an unsuccessful morning of trying to spot Liam on the packed train.  At their lockers they were faced with their good friend Siobhan making out with Niall, who went to the boys school up the road. Definitely not a good thing to see early in the morning.

“Guys! Get a room!” Katie yelled and waved her hands to try and get their attention. They broke apart and blushed but still sweetly smiled at each other. It made Serena sick how in love they were but she was just jealous that Liam probably would never look at her like that. Liam…

Suddenly, the bell rang, officially making them late for Maths and forcing Serena to stop daydreaming about Liam. She spun around, bumping into a short girl and making her drop her massive stack of brand-new books. Serena was about to snap at her for making her even later but noticed her name tag which spelt out Carly and her anger dissolved. Once she too had been ‘the new girl’ and she had hated the stupid sticker the office made her wear as well as everyone making her feel awkward and unwanted.

“I’m so sorry! My neighbour was supposed to help me carry everything but…” Carly chattered nervously as Serena zoned out and focused on the boy she knew only as Liam walking down the empty corridor holding more of Carly’s belongings. 

Just One Look - Liam Payne / One Direction fanfic :)Where stories live. Discover now