Chapter 4

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                I woke up with a killer headache and the sudden urge to puke. I felt like I was hit by 2 trains, both coming from opposite directions. I looked at my wall clock. Shit! It’s already 12 in the afternoon! There’s so much I need to do today. I quickly show up and headed to the shower. Once I got the smell of alcohol on me I dried off and got dressed. I tidied up my room and I looked on the floor where a note happened to be. I felt the saliva in my throat thicken and I began to choke. James ISNT my admirer. Who is…

The front said

                My dearest Elisa

I sat on my bed and let my thoughts process. I didn’t even bother to open my note. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Maybe It was this outrageous headache speaking but these random notes are really starting to remind me of my mom. I felt distraught. My admirer felt he was good enough to send gifts and notes but not to show me who he is.  He could be an old man who’s looking for a thrill or an actual sweet guy who’s looking for attention. I felt like ill never know the difference. I was going to make it clear that this had to stop. I opened the note after a few deep breaths.

                I’m not like regular boys Elisa, and maybe one day you’ll realize why and love me like you used to understand. If maybe I can get you to remember that we’ve known each other a lot longer than you know. Another gift will arrive soon. Wait for it xx

I looked at the note puzzled. What had he wrote that he crossed out? We’ve known each other for awhile? What is up with this? I threw the note to the side and cleared my mind. I had much to do today I had to get an oil change on my Jeep, go grocery shopping, and grab myself a coffee. Almost out the door I realized I didn’t drive home last night so I needed to find where James put my keys! I frantically searched everywhere outside, nothing. I looked into my car. Bingo! Smarty left my door unlock and my keys inside. Typical guy, doesn’t think about consequences of doing that. Then again no one wants my jeep. A note was attached to my keys

                I’ll see you later Elisa, here’s my number. Call me when you’re not busy xx

                James Davis

I blushed, James is so cute! I decided getting a coffee first was convenient for me, then my oil change, and shopping.  I stopped by the nearest Dunkin’ and ordered a French vanilla iced coffee extra extra with a shot of mocha. After, I drove to the nearest mechanics for an oil change and waited patiently drinking my iced coffee. I went to the supermarket soon after. I always get weird glares. Maybe it’s because my mom hasn’t been around to do these things. It’s a small town, and everyone talks about it. And I'm ashamed to say it but my mom left me to rot, alone. If I was gone she wouldn’t even notice. I haven’t seen or heard from her in almost a week.

                I strolled my carriage down the deli section. I picked up a few sandwich meats, like salami, ham, and some turkey. Don’t forget the cheese! I tried to avoid the snack section but couldn’t resist. I grabbed a few fruit snacks, cheese curls, and microwave popcorn. I also put a few meats into my carriage since I don’t have to cook for much. I picked up a gallon of water and a few bottles of soda. I headed for checkout.

By 3 o’clock I was back home. I put all my groceries away and cleaned the house, I even dusted. I called my mom at work. She’s apparently fine but she was ill enough not to call her daughter. What a lovely mother. I stared down at the phone, decided whether I should call James or not. I punched in his number, almost 3 rings before he picked up.


“Oh! Hey James it’s Elisa.”

“Hey there cutie, how was your hangover?”

The Vampire's Mistress (WIP)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora