Chapter 3

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I woke up before my alarm for once. I felt really great; as if the sun was shining purposely for me. I quickly showered , dressed, and straightened my hair! I really hope James was my admirer , and if he was I’d have no idea what to do. I casually made my way downstairs. Eager to see the letter I knew I had to sweat it out. Good things come for those who wait!

                I ate breakfast and ate it slowly; even though I wanted to rush things. Afterwards I made my way to the door, took a deep breath and opened it. I was more than glad to see my note was replaced with another. Only this paper looked old, very discolored. I really liked it.  I didn’t want to open it just yet but I waited long enough!  I opened the note from my admirer

                                My lovely rose,

                                If you knew who I was you’d surely be terrified and scared. You would never want my attention again. I can’t lose you like I did last time. In time you’ll understand, till then my love xx

                Well. That was very blunt. Didn’t answer anything and I still don’t have  a name to my admirer. Which sucked a lot. Could James really be a closet romantic? Just think, the school jock a closet poet. I giggled. I left the house a bit early to pick Izzy up so I could talk to her about the new mysterious note. Once she got in I handed her the note. My admirer seemed to be the new topic of our week.

                “What could he have meant by THAT.” I muttered , turning the corner to our school. “I mean if it even is James, why would I be terrified? I’ve been waiting for this since elementary school!”

                “Maybe he’s just afraid.” She said almost silently.

                “Really? You think that’s it?” I was completely confused by everything.

What if James is a murderer or worse, what if my admirer isn’t James and is a murderer! I parked my car and we headed towards the school. That’s when I caught the glance of James. And let me tell you, I was blushing hardcore.

                My whole school day was so long and boring that I actually don’t want to put it into words. After school I went home and ate lunch since I had to make up an exam at lunch. I looked at the clock, its only two thirty. I have until 8 to get ready. What was I going to do till then? I ran upstairs and put my dress and accessories on the bed nice and neatly. I glared at the necklace, I don’t want it to be a bit too much. It should do fine if I didn’t wear earrings. I went over to my desk with a pen and paper in front of me. I sat there for about 5 minutes then started to write. Once I was done I looked down, I had written

                                Dear admirer,

                                                Why must everything be a secret? What is there TO understand? I just want to know who you are, nothing will scare me away. Xx Elisa

                I didn’t know what to write to someone I never met before. I showered soon after and did a facial mask. It was very relaxing for me. After all that was done it was about five twenty or so, so I decided to curl my hair now. I curled my hair but not in a prom kind of way, id be too over dressed. Once my curls were loose, it was complete. I put on my dress and shoes; I put shorts under my dress just in case. I even made a bag with extra clothes to keep in my car just in case any spills or thrills happen.  I did my own makeup even though I know Izzy was going to be upset about it.   

The Vampire's Mistress (WIP)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang