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"What about your Backup, backups?" Lee asked.

"These are them, doofus." I said

"Okay, okay let's go." He said.

Five minutes later we arrived at school.

"Stop! You are so stupid there is nowhere to go." I shout.

"Then you should have rode your motorcycle." He said.

Skirt, shit for brains. I said back.

"Oh, Drew fundraiser ideas." Ellie said.

"Fine!" I said.

All of a sudden people started to stare at us. Mainly me.

"Hey man is that girl new?" One guy asked

"Geez, guys check that out." another said.

"Oh my Lord! Yo, I think that's Drew Evans!" The first guy said.

"Everyone is looking at us." Elle said.

"Allow to revise. Everyone is looking at Drew. Damn." Lee said.

"What no they're not." I said.

"Drew, are you aware that your lady shaped sort of changed over the summer?" Tuppen asked as he smacked my ass.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Lee said.

"What is she going to do? Kiss me to death?" He asked.

I grabbed him and popped his arm out of his socket. He was about to turn around and hit me when Lee got into it.

"Lee stop!" Ellie and I shout then came the older Flynn, punching him until our famous principal pulled them apart.

"You 3 in my office!" He demanded. "Everyone in homeroom now!" He shouts to everyone else.

Time skip to office

"Why did you get in the middle of it I had it under control." I said.

"Lee was in trouble." Noah said.

"Any excuse for a fight, right?" I asked.

"I don't start fights okay? I only finish them. And besides no one should ever treat a girl like that. Especially if that girl is you." He said.

"Me?" I asked. Does he have the same feelings for me as I do him?

"Yeah, it's like these guys are trying to get into my little sister's pants. Which is super gross!" He said.

I guess I got my answer. But it's never great to hear that your childhood Crush considers you as a little sister and that it's super gross in your pants.

"We're the same age doofus." I say.

"You know you have no experience with guys. You never even had a boyfriend." He said.

"Pft! Whatever. How do you know I can find a one this summer when you are at football camp." I said.

Wearing a skirt like that is asking for it. He said ignoring what I just said.

"For your info Logan I gave Elle my last pair of pants so she wouldn't be in this position!" I said.

Tuppen left the room and headed to class.

"Miss Evans?" Headmaster said. I got up from my seat and walked in. We both sat down and waited a minute.

"First off, that skirt is ridiculous." He said.

"Elle's pants ripped and this is all I had." I said.

"What about your backups?" He asked.

"Dry cleaners." I said.

"Backup, backups?" He asks again.

"These are!" I was getting mad.

"All right, all right! Don't get upset."The Headmaster said.

"I am upset! Douche touched my lady bump." I said.

"And he will be punished but I'm afraid it goes the same for you." He said.

"Oh my God! Am I being expelled?" I asked freaking out.

"Drew... "He said.

I kept freaking out.

"Drew!" He shouts.

"What!" I say looking at him again.

"You just broke the dress code detention tomorrow." He said as he handed me a detention slip.

Lunch time

I sat down and all the sudden the OMG Girlz came by and sat in front of me.

"Oh my God! How crazy was that fight?" Mia asked.

"Flynn is so Savage." Said the blonde one Olivia.

"You made out with him yet?" Gwyneth asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"OMG, I totally have babies with Noah one girl and one boy. But not at the same time though."

"God please kill me now!"I say in my head

"I hear he's in the blondes." Olivia said.

"Too bad, Drew give me your number we should totally catch up."

"Yeah, it's 310..." I say.

"OMG GTG, Drew!" She said

Okay I said as I rolled my eyes.

Lee and Elle walk up to me.

"Was that Mia?" Lee asked?

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