Chapter 15

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AN: It's been a while. I know. I have no excuse. It was my own laziness. I actually really like writing this story and having others read it, buuuuuut.... yeah. I'm sorry for my absence and I have to work on that. Please, enjoy the new update and I will try to be more active. 

Yell at me if you must.


Norman descended the steps to the waiting twins.

"What were you doing?" Dipper asked.

"Nothing. Just... nothing."

"Ok... well, Mabel and I have to go and open up the gift shop. We'll be there all morning, so..." Dipper scratched his head. "You could hang around the Shack, I guess. Or leave. Or whatever you want."

"Just don't steal anything," Mabel said, "Or break anything. Or touch anything. You know the drill."

Norman stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket. "Actually, I was thinking about going for a walk. I wanted to go ask the local ghosts about these poltergeists."

"That's a good idea," Dipper said. He quit scratching his head and stuck his hands in his shorts pockets instead. "Then we can meet up later, maybe? We could try and figure this out. I mean, if you want."

Norman gave a little smile. "Sure. I'll just come back to the Shack when I'm done. I won't be gone long."

"Alright. See you, then."

"Yeah." With that, Norman walked down the hall and made his way out the cabin. Once outside, a cool breeze hit his face. He was very thankful for the mostly cool climate in Gravity Falls. It meant he could comfortably wear his hoodie freely and it made for lovely walks. The absence of the urban buzz and the quiet of nature gave Norman plenty of time to himself and his thoughts, and also whatever ghosts that happened to be passing by. 

The ghosts around Gravity Falls were just a bit different from the ones back in Blithe Hollow. They still retained that amiable whimsical air about them that the dead share, but the variety of ghosts was just a little strange. Many were missing limbs and had strange scars that made Norman question the history of the little town. Besides that, the ghosts were much younger than usual which was equally unsettling. As for gathering information, the ghosts weren't much help. Most said that they haven't seen any particularly strange ghosts, some had no idea what Norman was asking, and just a few were too eccentric to have a useful conversation.

After about an hour of walking around town with little success, Norman found an old park bench to sit. He would return to the Shack in a bit, but he wanted a little Norman-time, unbothered by people, ghosts, or energetic twins. 

His mind drifted to the Pines Twins, and he couldn't help but smile. He had only met them a few days ago, but he already felt comfortable around them. He usually didn't warm up to people this quickly. Not living ones anyway. Ghosts are so much easier to deal with. But, the twins... in fact, this entire town, were different. It was different, like him. Warm, weird, and different.

"Are you enjoying your stay?"

Norman was so lost in thought he didn't notice a ghost had sat down next to him. Well, that's usually how it is with the dead. They don't make much noise. 

"Yeah," Norman said, "It's actually pretty nice here." The ghost sitting next to him was that of child, maybe eleven or twelve. He had bright eyes and dark hair that glistened as if wet. He wore a white tunic and old fashioned trousers. 

"Good. That's good." The boy turned away from Norman and looked off into the distance, saying nothing more. 

"I'm Norman," Norman said, trying to fill the silence. "What's yours?"

The ghost turned back to Norman, a smile on his face. "You like him, don't you?"

Norman paused. "What? Who?" 

"Oh, you know who. I could feel it whenever you're near him." The ghost drew up his legs and hugged them to his chest. "It's cute, really."

Norman opened his mouth, then closed it. He turned away, his face heating up. Did he like Dipper? I mean, sure, he's pretty good-looking and seems nice. He's an interesting guy and kind of a cool dork, but Norman only met him yesterday. They were basically still strangers.

"How would you know?" Norman asked, turning back to the ghost, "Have you been stalking me or something?"

"Such a cruel word," the ghost said, his face cringing in mock pain, "I would say 'observing'."

"'Observing?' Why?" 

"Because, my dear Norman, you are a child of special interest. After all, not everyone can see ghosts."

"No one can see ghosts but me."

The ghost only smiled in response. He spoke very maturely for a child, and there was something about his smile that made Norman think of someone much older. With his strange personality and old-fashioned clothes, Norman wondered just how long ago this child died.

"Who are you, anyway?" To that, ghost jumped up and kicked off the bench. He shot up, did a couple dramatic flips, and landed on the air a few feet in front of Norman, falling into an exaggerated bow.

"My name is Alexander. But, you may call me Alex."

Norman smiled at the show. "Nice to meet you, Alex."

The ghost stood up straight and beamed. 

A thought popped in Norman's head. "Alex," he said, "Have you seen any ghost behaving strangely lately? Like, angry for no reason?"

Alex pulled up his legs and sat cross-legged in midair. He thought for a moment, his translucent brow drawn together. "Was their anger directed something often at arbitrary problems?"

Norman paused. "I... suppose. Have you seen them?"

Alex didn't answer at first. "Did they usually have a deep red color instead of this sickly green and they look all gross and ugly?" 

Norman perked up as Alex spoke. "Yes! So you have seen them."

Alex ignored him again."And did they display some form of telekinesis or illusions to attack people?"

"Yes, they do. Where did you see them?"

"Nowhere," Alex finally answered with a foolish grin. "I haven't a clue what you're talking about."

"But... you just described them perfectly." 

"Oh, Norman," Alex said, standing up, "I would love to stay and chat about the things I clearly don't know about, but I must be off. We will meet again." Alex waved goodbye, and slowly faded away. 

Norman sat, alone and puzzled. Alex clearly did know something, but for some reason didn't want to share it. Also, since when could ghosts disappear from his sight? That had never happened before. Norman planned to find Alex again, or perhaps the ghost would find him. Either way, he would figure out what Alex knew. 

Sighing, Norman got up and began heading for the Mystery Shack. He had a lead now, and it would be fun to go investigative with Dipper. And Mabel. Both twins. However, he couldn't get over Alex's disappearance and overall personality. He was different. The way he spoke and acted. He seemed more complex than the average ghost. More... alive.

Norman shook his head. Sometimes, the dead can be just as confusing as the living.

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