Dipper's Distress

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After a decent amount of walking through the town and short passage through the woods, the three came upon a large, triangular cabin in the middle of a forest clearing. It was made of dark wood, and all the windows were stained glass that came together to form shapes, mostly triangles. But, it's most prominent feature was the huge sign on the side that read, in huge letters, "MYSTERY SHACK". However, the "S" was hanging off, spelling "HACK" instead.

"Welcome, Norman, to the Mystery Shack," Mabel said in mysterious voice, complete with jazz hands.

"It's very, um... triangular," Norman responded.

"Yep. And that's the way we like it."

The three entered the cabin through the front door and entered what seemed to be a museum. There were exhibits lining the walls featuring totems, paintings and various stuffed animals. Norman was ordered to wait in the living room while Mabel dragged Dipper upstairs to find the map. 

They were digging through their room for a while when Mabel took the chance to ask a question.

"Are you alright, Dipper?"

Her brother answered without looking up. "What do you mean?"

"Today, you seem way grouchier than usual. Is something wrong?"

"No, there's nothing wrong, Mabel. Now come on, we have to find that map."

Mabel folded her arms in childish indignation. "There is something wrong, Dipper. I can tell these things."

"Well, there isn't," Dipper said adamantly.

"Dipper," Mabel softened, "I don't know if it's something I did or said, but you're not yourself. They way you acted around Norman and the way threatened that ghost aren't like you. I know you don't like to talk about your problems, but I'm your sister! Better yet, your twin sister. If we can't talk about stuff that's bothering us, where do we stand? What does that make us?"
Dipper finally looked at his sister sitting on her bed, putting on her best "worried mother" face. It was pretty good.

Dipper sighed and stopped pretending to search under his bed. He got up and sat across from his sister, his elbows on his knees.

"It's Pacifica," Dipper said after a moment.


"She... broke up with me. "

"Oh my god." Mabel covered her mouth with her hands. "This morning?"

"No, it was last night. Without any warning."

"I'm so sorry, Dipper. I didn't know..."

"It's alright."

"But still, I know you, Dipper, and you're not the type to get so beaten up over a girl."

Dipper looked at Mabel, then down at the floor.

"It's not the fact that she broke up with me, it's why she broke up with me."

"What do you mean?"

"She said... she said I had things I needed to figure out. She said I didn't know what I wanted."

Mabel raised an eyebrow.

Dipper sighed. "It was a long conversion we had, and she said some things that just got me thinking, what I just said included."

Mabel said nothing, but continued to be a good listener.

"Whenever we were together, she said it felt I wasn't even interested in her. Like, I was forcing myself to spend time with her because that's what it felt like I should do. She said, sometimes, it felt like we were just friends. Heh, I don't even know what that means."

Mabel didn't interrupt.

"I meam, I thought I was a good boyfriend. I thought we were fine. And then, outta nowhere, she just hits me with "I don't know what I want"? That doesn't make any sense! I wanted her! I asked her out! We went on like, a hundred dates last year.  We even kissed!" Dipper was nearly yelling now, his eyes shining with anger and frustration. But, he composed himself. He sighed deeply and slumped, looking at the empty space between his knees.
"I just don't get it, Mabel. She was my first girlfriend. I wasn't expecting it to last forever, but... I don't know. I guess... I just wish I understood."

"Oh, Dipper..." Mabel said, she walked over and sat next to him, hugging him from the side.

"I'm so sorry it didn't work out," Mabel said, "But, you know what? Forget her."

Mabel released Dipper and held him at an arm's length. "I said,  forget her!"
She then stood up in front of Dipper, one hand on her hip, and the other pointed at his forehead.

"You are Mason 'Dippin' Sauce' Pines. A.K.A, my brother. A.K.A the greatest, most bestest boy in the whole flippin' world! So, forget Pacifica. She was always a huge jerk, anyway. And I know for a fact that any girl - or guy, for that matter - would be glad to have you as their boyfriend."

Dipper chuckled. He felt better, getting all of that out of his system "Thanks, Mabel. But, any guy?"

"You gotta keep an open mind, Dipper. There are more fish in the sea than you think." Mabel said the last part while winking and gesturing below them.

"Yeah, whatever," Dipper said. He playfully punched Mabel in the stomach. "You're a good sister, you know that?"

"Of course I do!" she said with a huge grin, "I'm me!"

"Haha, yep. Anyways, we should probably find that map. We've kept Norman waiting long enough."

"Yeah, I found it a while ago," Mabel said, pulling out a square of folded paper. "But, speaking of Norman, you know he thinks you don't like him?"


"Well, you weren't a jerk outright, but you weren't exactly super friendly, either. You barely talked to him, and when you did, it was all business and grouchiness."

Dipper thought back on how he acted towards the new, strange boy. He didn't mean to be so abrasive, but he guessed teenage angst has ways of rubbing off without you realising it. "Should I apologize or something?"

"No! Just, you know, try to be nicer from now on."

"I'll will"

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