Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation

Start from the beginning

This emitted a sigh from me, "well I got called after class to speak with my professor. She wanted to know why I hadnt submitted any of my work to any editors." I shifted forward, Lucifer's arm still wrapped slightly around me, pulling my laptop to me and saving the story I was working on. "She seems to think that doing so could be good, although I doubt that?"

"Why not?" Lucifer exclaimed. I turned to face him, bringing up my right leg to fold underneath. "Why not? Well no editor is going to look at this and not laugh," I gestured to my computer, "they arent anything that would get published."

"Thats not what I thought when I read some." Lucifer quipped. I pulled my brows together, glancing at the screen. I was torn, wondering whether or not to believe him. I had never contemplated that before, submitting my work, but Lucifer, someone Im sure didnt care whether or not it was published, thought it was good enough to do so. He could just be saying that to win you over more, some traitorous voice whispered to me. I silenced that voice, hoping that wasnt the case. I glanced back at him and saw him watching me with a curious gaze. No, I decided, he wouldnt do that. "So you think I should submit this?" I pointed to the computer, brows raised. He nodded, reaching out to grasp my hands. "Well, love, what is it you desire?"

I felt tingles run through me as he said those words. Those words that had initially drawn us together and had haunted me from the moment our lips touched. The words that seemed to follow him around. I bit my lip, "I-I want to be a published author." I whispered, breaking our gaze as I went on. "Its all Ive ever dreamed of."

"Then why not do it?" He looked at me earnestly and I found myself spilling my darkest fears to the man who made me feel safe. "I-Im scared of rejection," I whispered, fidgeting uncomfortably. This seemed to spark something within him, his eyes revealing he had a thought suddenly. I realized, with a start, that I was growing to read him more. Decipher what his features meant and what was passed through his eyes. He pulled me to him so that I was straddling his lap. My arms went up automatically, wrapping loosely around his neck. "You," he started, a fierce tone to his voice and a fire in his eyes, "have nothing to be afraid of. You stupefy me, love, with your intelligence. Your work is good. I know that submitting it would be a good thing." His proclamation had my heart fluttering; he always complimented me, calling me a vixen and goddess when we were in bed, but this was different. This was me, he was complimenting, my mind and not my body. A warmth filled me and I felt like I was glowing. I smiled, shyly, "you think so?"

"I know so." He leaned up to kiss me hard, leaving a trail of kisses across my cheek down my neck. I giggled, pushing him back slightly. "Ill think about," I murmured. He smiled slightly, a looking coming over him that I dont think I had seen before.


My heart fluttered and I tried not to let my elation show. "Anyways," I started, glancing back. "After that I went back to my door and Jade was, well, getting it on with some guy on our couch." I chuckled, shaking my head and looking at him again. There was a mischievous look in his eyes and before I could question what he was thinking, he threw me back against the couch, his body covering mine. I squealed, looking up at him. "Something like this, love?" His legs pinned mine slightly as he straddled my waist, reaching out to start tickling me. I squealed, laughing as his hands worked around my stomach and up my side. Thrashing with laughter I tried to buck him off but my small frame was no match for his. He pinned me down and I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks. "Lucifer!" I gasped, "uncle! Uncle!" I squealed breathlessly. He pulled his hands away and I caught my breath looking up at him. Pure and utter delight warmed his face and I was taken aback by his beauty. Yet another look I hadnt seen from; he looked angelic and I immediately thought of the irony that brought about.

"Youre very ticklish, love." He chuckled. I grinned, throwing an arm over my eyes. "Dont remind me!" He laughed, a bellowing sound warming the penthouse before I felt him shift, moving my arm from my face and kissing me. Happiness coursed through me and I pulled him closer. There was nothing dark or sensual about this kiss and I was again surprised at what a difference that was. Defiantly not something I would have thought Id felt when we first met, but it seemed like he was full of surprises these days.

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