"You know it's quit rude when you talk with your mouth full of food" Hannah giggled.

Everyone laughed once again.

"Someone sounds happy, did you two get back together?" Hannah's friend chirped. Adela was it?

Hannah only blushed while she continued to munch on her pizza. She looked so adorable when she blush, I don't know why she hides her face when she does.

Everyone erupted into cheers as they realized that we were together again.

"You know what this means" Louis chirped.

"What?" We chorused.

"SLUMBER PARTY!!!" He screamed.


Hannah's P.O.V

As the girls and I walked up to grab blankets and pillows for the 'slumber party' that Louis called it. The girls quickly dragged me into Adela's room locking the door.

"Tell us what happened! PRONTO!" Monica squealed.

"Uhm, errr" I giggled.

"Hurry the hell up. What did he do?" Adela giggled.

"We basically just talked it over and I forgave him" I smiled.

I studied the two as their face soften up a bit.

"Awwww!" They both cooed.

"I'm not the only one who caught their eye on something" I giggled

Both Adela and Monica blushed.

"Spill!" I demanded as the two girls looked at the ground.

"Uhhh," Monica started.

"Gurl, I have no clue what the hell your talking about" Adela chirped as she snapped her fingers.

"Pshhh, a minute ago you were just complaining how Niall wasn't in you bed" I chuckled.

Her face turned as red as a tomato at what I just said.

"I don't know. I'm gonna try to play hard to get" Adela winked.

"Monica, you've been awfully quite. I know you fancy Mr. Malik" I giggled as she blushed even more.

"I'm not sure. He'd never go for a girl like me" She sighed.

Ok is this chick totally mental? She has no idea what she's talking about. Monica was beautiful, I don't know why she feels so insecure.

"Your crazy" Adela giggled

"Anyways, let's go. They boys are probably waiting for us already" I chirped as we picked up all the pillows and blankets before heading back down.



"Shit, It's already midnight" I hissed as I stared at the clock up on the wall.

"I'm not tired though" Louis whined.

"You probably have jet-lag" Monica giggled.

"Well, I don't care. I'm gonna sleep" I mumbled as I cuddled into a pillow.

Everyone else were moving around before they found a space for them to sleep and turned off the lights.

5 minutes later, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Just as I was about to sleep, I felt a hand snake it's way and hugging me on my hips. I just smiled as I turned to face Harry.

I honestly missed him. A LOT. I missed his touch, his captivating green orbs. His soft lips, his dimples and of coarse, his brown luscious curls.

"What are you looking at?" He quietly chuckled. I didn't know I've been staring at him and just blushed.

If I Only Knew (A One Direction - Harry Styles Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now