Chapter 1

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Hey guys I decided to write another Sterek fanfic since the first one is going well. This one will be updated on Wednesdays instead of all at once since I want to really develop this story. I hope you like it. Comment and vote for more


Chapter 1 - Who Rescued Whom?

Danny turns off the tap of his bathroom sink and wrings the excess water from the wash cloth he has in his hands. He folds it into thirds to make a long cool rectangle to drape over Jackson's forehead.

Jackson is still unconscious in Danny's bed, flecks of dried blood still visible along his exposed collarbone. He moans softly as the weight in the bed next to him causes his body to roll ever so slightly towards it.

Danny holds his breath as he places the cloth gingerly across Jackson's brow hoping it doesn't hurt him. Seeing him settle he places his hand over the heart of the blond boy lying in his bed. He notices the heartbeat is strong but seems to have an odd cadence slightly faster than his own. Faster than he remembers.

He dismisses it when a shaking hand raises from the bed and covers his own. He withdraws slightly and tries to pull free when the hand presses harder and he hears a whisper.

"Danny?", the whisper says.

His heart melts and leaps for joy at the same time as he places his other hand over Jackson's. A tear runs down his face as he whispers back.

"I'm right here Jax. I'm not going anywhere. I'm glad you're okay." Another tear dropping onto the sheets covering the bruised body of the boy next to him.

Eyes still closed a crooked smile appears on the blond's face as his dried lips part and whispers "Water, please..."

"I'll be right back." Danny says as he kisses Jackson's hand and puts it lovingly back on the bed. He gets up and retrieves a cup of water from the counter in the bathroom and brings it back to the bed.

He looks at the boy in his bed. "In my bed!" he says to himself, heart beating hard. "And did I just kiss his hand?" he thinks and then smiles as warmth in his chest is spreading.

Jackson and Danny grew up together. Jax was his best friend. When Danny realized he was gay and admitted it to himself he wasn't afraid of telling Jackson. Jackson hugged him tightly and told him he was proud for being told and expressed his care for Danny and reassured him that nothing between them was different. Danny loved him for that. He loved Jackson, Jax, for a lot of things they had shared over the years. He chuckled... 'Jax'... only he was allowed to call Jackson that. Anyone else was quickly corrected they were not to use that term by the good looking blond boy. Danny beamed inside when he heard Jackson admonish everyone else to not use that term. It was Danny's. It was his and his alone. He was having feelings for Jackson and he was certain they were not reciprocal. "But I just kissed his hand!" he says to himself, smiling again.

He lifts the cup to Jackson's lips and tips it very carefully as not to spill. Jackson lifts his head slightly up to sip the water and clear the dryness from his throat. He coughs and sputters a bit, Danny pulling the cup back.

"No! I'm fine. More please..." Danny hears as he puts the cup back to Jackson's pale lips. He looks at Jackson's mouth as the water slowly trickles over the bottom lip and onto the tongue he can just barely make out. He licks his own lips looking at the curves and the red color just below the surface slowly returning to the mouth he is focused on.

He spent many a night fantasizing about that mouth. Pressing his own against it. Running his fingers over it. Putting his fingers into it. Watching it move as it says his name. Imagining how it would look wrapped around his...

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