
Anwyll sighs softly, watching the alpha disappear through the door.  He's tired and incredibly sore, can barely even move without wincing, but he's content.

He tries to change, limping about their hut and grimacing at the feel of slick and cum dribbling down his thighs as he moves about.  He feels... stuffed and it makes his cheeks burn red at the feeling, of the thought.  A shiver runs down his spine at the memories.  When he closes his eyes he can still feel Milan's callous hands on his lithe body, ghosting his sensitive skin and bringing him the constant reminder of what he can't have.  And just like that the fantasy breaks.

He looks at his swollen belly and hopes this is it.


Anwyll looks toward the door where he finds Milan with a teeming plate of foods and the pack healer looking amused.

"Tha-Thank you, Alpha," he stammers shyly, letting Milan lead him toward the furs near the fireplace and away from their... marital bed of stained furs.

Anwyll knows that Theodore, as a beta, won't be able to smell the sex in the air or their overwhelming scents filling their hut, much like an omega won't be able to smell the scent of another omega in heat.  But that doesn't stop the embarrassment the couple might feel from coloring their cheeks.  Anwyll is still mortified when Theodore looks around and asks questions when realization dawns on him.

Anwyll chews on some bread as he lets Milan explain.

There's only so much Anwyll can take.

Thankfully, after a small examination, Theodore declares Anwyll in perfect health and he leaves with a small reassuring smile toward the newly presented omega.


A few weeks later Anwyll is trailing after Milan for a picnic in their meadow when he's struck with the sense of nausea and vertigo.

He tugs on Milan's shirt, looking at the alpha pleadingly as he pales, staggering slightly with each step he forces himself to take.

"Anwyll?" Milan asks, basket of fruits and meats forgotten as he helps Anwyll sit atop a fallen log nearby.

His priority is always his omega, his safety, and well-being.

"Sorry," Anwyll pants softly, "dizzy, nauseous."

"It's okay," the alpha soothes, lowering his voice to calm his stressed omega, "take a deep breath."

Anwyll does as told, breathing in deeply a few times before he finally feels the churning nausea retreat.

"Sorry, Milan," Anwyll repeats weakly, color finally returning to his pallid face.

"It's okay, it's fine, sweetling," Milan repeats, relief seeping into his voice.

The omega freezes, his breath catching at that, head tilted and wide eyes staring at the alpha in surprise.

It's the first time he's heard Milan call him anything other than his given name with such reverence.  Such softness.

And in that moment they're in a trance, eyes locking on one another, Anwyll searching for something that he can't define.  Searching for something more, something he's unsure Milan will ever give him.

It's then that Milan realizes his mistake, as Anwyll makes to pull away, to shy back, only for his large hand to grasp the omega's thin wrist and hold on fast.

It's not a mistake.

He knows.

They both do.

"Anwyll," Milan whispers.

The omega opens his mouth, ready to stop the alpha.  Ready to protect his heart from hurting and breaking if Milan says it.  But Milan won't ever hurt him, he knows this and it terrifies him because this is real.  His heart beating inside his chest, his sweaty palms and rosy cheeks.  He knows it's too late.

He feels Milan's lips on his.  His eyes widen in surprise before they flutter closed at the sweet sensation.  Sensitive tears spilling down his cheeks. His aching heart engulfed in warmth.  This kiss is unlike anything they've ever shared.  It's.. different.  It's filled and overflowing with so much love and adoration.

Five months of living like strangers, of feeling uncomfortable or disposable.  Five months of feeling unwanted and in disappointment after not being able to conceive.  Five months of angst and hurt.

Only to have those stressful moments melt away with one kiss of realization.

"I love you," Milan whispers breathlessly as they part, "I love you, Anwyll."

Anwyll feels the stubborn tears well up in his eyes again as he hugs Milan tightly, "I love you too, Milan."

It's like being able to breathe again.

Saying those words have lifted a crushing weight off of the omega's chest and he can't help himself as he repeats those words again and again.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, Milan, so much."

Milan grins, kissing Anwyll with fervour, "I love you."

A Love Like No Other [mxm; mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now