Chapter 1

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Zoe P.O.V


I woke up extra early because I knew there was still a lot to do. Even though majority of our things were put up there were still a couple of more boxes that needed to be unpacked. Once I got out of bed, I went into the bathroom and did my normal morning routine.Which consisted of a shower,brushing my teeth and washing my face. After I was I finished in the bathroom, I slipped on a pair of black shorts and a white v-neck then I put my hair into a bun.


Since Melo was up all night he slept in past the time he is usually up which is around six thirty and it was going on seven now. I figured since he was asleep I’d start unpacking some of these boxes that were in the family room by the tv stand. I picked up a box that had pictures written on top of it. I sat it down on the wooden table and went through it. I pulled out a picture of Chris and I when we were at Mijo skating party. I swear that party was so much fun and that’s where I first learned how to roller skate.


Flash Back


I hated sitting on the sideline watching everyone rollerskate and have fun.Even Eboni was out there roller skating and she never roller skated a day in her life so I thought,but she was out there just rolling back and forth and having a good time.


“Bae come on”He begged as he stopped in front of me with sweat dripping down his face


“Chris I don’t know how to skate”I said as I wiped the sweat coming down his forehead


“It’s easy”He said as he grabbed my hand


“No it’s not I’m going to fall”I whined


“Trust me you won’t fall”He said as he pulled me up off the bench that was next to the roller skating rink.


“Okay”I said as I got up


“Just hold on to me and you’ll be fine”He said as he stepped out onto the rink with me


I wanted to trust him but apart of me was just not in the trusting state of mind now.


“Don’t let me fall”I begged


“Bae you will not fall just glide”He said


“Okay I think I got it”I said with confidence


“Look at you”He said with a smile on his face “I’m going to let go”He added


“Okay”I said as I let go of his hand


I couldn’t believe I was actually skating, I was so proud of myself that I actually did it.


“Bae I’m doing it”I said as skated around him


The Future Of Us (The Boy Next Door Sequel) A Chris Brown StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant