Dumbledore Dispute

Start from the beginning

Hermione, looked away, and said, "We're a bit concerned, Harry," she said, though Harry knew she was only worried about not having such close access to Harry to kill him. "You've been behaving...differently of late. Consuming unaccompanied at your table, residing individually in your house. Spending occasions with...unsavory individuals. We wondered if perhaps you'd savor to resume inhabiting Gryffindor. Isn't that correct, Ronald?"

Ron looked surprised at being asked to speak, his mouth full of a sandwich. "Huh....yeh! Food's bah, fer one. An' goh-a stop hangin' out wif' Ma-foy, filfy Slyth'rn," he said unintelligibly, crumbs and spit cascading out his mouth.

"What was that?" Harry asked, looking confused. He cast a secret spell to make Ron's food take up more space in his mouth.

"Ah sah, gah sah huh uh wuh mahfuh!" Ron replied. Hermione shook her head, looking disgusted.

"Ron, stop conversing while masticating! It's abhorrent!" Harry cast a spell to make the chewing sound louder to only her.

Ron tried again, but only get out a gurgle this time. Hermione covered her ears, horrified. That sound would forever haunt her nightmares.

"Ha-...Lord Hogwarts," said Dumbledore, "I'd be perfectly happy to allow you to eat and sleep with your wonderful, good friends in Gryffindor." He smiled, looking like he was trying to be nice or something. Harry pretended like he was contemplating the suggestion.

"Hmm," he said, looking over past the dumb little whirring and puffing silver things to where Fawkes was sitting on his perch. "Albus," he said, as if the thought just came to him. "Fawkes is your horcrux, isn't he?" he said, making sure he didn't sound like he thought it was bad or anything, and making sure his visible thoughts didn't think that as well. "That's how you were able to pretend to die." He continued to smile calmly.

"Uh...well...I mean...not exactly...I mean, it's not the same as Vol-" Dumbledore started, suddenly looking quite nervous, sweating into his beard.

"Oh, no, don't worry, Albus," Harry interrupted, holding up a hand, "I think it's very clever. You're an extremely smart and good wizard. Your plan to kill Voldemort was excellent. It even turned out better than you'd hoped, didn't it? I didn't have to die, after all." He gave everyone an oblivious-seeming smile.

"Yes, of course, and we're all very glad of that," said Dumbledore, and Ron and Hermione nodded in false agreement.

"I simply noticed because as a newly-inherited phoenix-kin, I have a connection with Fawkes, and I can feel the extra load he's carrying." It was an evil, twisted, filthy load. No wonder he always looked so messy. Harry was outraged that such a noble creature could be used for such a nefarious purpose. He'd have to put the firebird out of its misery, unfortunately, to end his suffering. He'd have to figure out how to permanently kill a phoenix. It was pretty smart of Dumbledore to use an immortal creature as a Horcrux. Maybe he'd ask Blaise. Harry had sensed some vibes of phoenix knowledge in him when they'd passed in the hallway earlier. He would definitely know more about it than Hermione and her dumb books.

Harry turned back to Dumbledore, all those thoughts only taking place in less than a second. "As for Gryffindor...It's a tempting offer, but I also now have a connection with Hogwarts. And I can feel that she, did you know she's a she, by the way? She really wants me to be in Vampirius. And to live in its dormitory. It's been empty for so long after all, hidden away. I don't want to upset Hogwarts, after all, she's been through quite a lot lately," said Harry reasonably. Poor Hogwarts, having to endure such a horrible, conniving, manipulative, sneaky, fake headmaster for so many years.

"But what about....," said Dumbledore, stalling as he struggled to think with his old mind. "What about Quidditch? You were the star player. What would your team do without you?"

Harry laughed silently to himself. "I'll just start my own Vampirius team." Unblocking his magical cores had made him so good at sports he didn't need any team members to win. He wouldn't even need a dumb broom to fly around on now that he had phoenix-kin powers.

"But..." stuttered Dumbledore.

"I think this conversation is over," Harry said, standing up dramatically. He stabbed quickly into Dumbledore's mind, easily pulling out an old childhood nickname to taunt him with. "Don't you agree....Dumb-Bore?"

Dumbledore was stunned into silence. Got him. The old man was finally seeing the true terrifying majesty of this cool, amazing boy...no, man, before him.

Harry turned, his trenchcoat whipping behind him as he did so.

A/N: Like this, but Harry is way hotter, imo.

A/N: Like this, but Harry is way hotter, imo

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He'd made his point. But it seemed Ron had finally managed to swallow his food, and had something to say out of his asinine ginger mouth.

"Oi! Harry, mate! That's all well and good, but...you've changed so much! Your hair and clothes and uh...this phoenix tosh. It's all so bloody...different! It's got me all collywobbles, it does. I mean sure, you're very cool and smart and...I'm sure you're very fit to blokes and birds who fancy blokes, but...we miss you! We want the old Harry back!"

Harry, halfway out the door, smiled bitterly at the thought of himself before this summer. Small, shrimpy, brunette, near-sighted, average, oblivious and blindly trusting... Of course that's how they wanted him. Dumb and unknowing so they could keep stealing his money. Well, too bad for them.

"The old Harry.............." he said, only turning his head back a few degrees, maybe 14 degrees at most, "Is dead."

Ron was shocked, already stuffing his mouth again with a potato and sausage sandwich. "Cor blimey."

Hermione was silent, for once unable to summon up any of her annoying dictionary words.

And with that Harry shut the door, done talking to these two-faced fucks. He had much more interesting things to do, in his opinion.


A/N: It was a close race, but I think you can figure out who won the Blaise shipping contest ;D My writing partner crabmeats said I should include Ginny to be fair, but I'm secretly glad no one picked her! X)

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