(That was PO speaking, not me. PO, OK!?... So yeah, that's the end of today's history lesson!...... NON-CANNON history lesson. Back into the story)

"What-?" Tigress' head jerked up. Her eyes almost went as wide as Mr Ping's soup bowls, as did everyone else's.

"What.... Wang.. Wang Ling... No! I-It can't be!" Shi Fu stuttered in disbelief.

Wang Ling raised an eyebrow at the master. "You seriously had no idea I was him? I mean, I would have thought all those stories about me would make me unforgettable. But- Oh never mind!... I will destroy you all!!!" With that, orbs of green and purple were created in both of his hands. The masters dodged as the orbs were shot their way. Using his powers once more, dozens of a mixture of stone lions and cheetahs popped up from the ground, various types of dangerous weapons in hand. Viper gasped and the warriors took a step back, trying to overcome their shock.

"Aw, come on!" Po groaned. A stone cheetah pounced at him with sharp nunchucks spun around his head before Po kicked him in the stomach and double punching him in the face, though it proved to be quite ineffective. The Dragon Warrior sucked in his breath as he held one of his hands in pain. "Ooww... This is like Jombies all over again."

"Couldn't agree more, Po!" Mantis called over, who tried to use his pressure point technique on a similar enemy. That also proved to be useless.

Viper almost got shot with an arrow by one of the statues, while she was busy knocking a broad-sword form another. Luckily, Crane came to her aid and blocked the arrow with a swift movement of his wing. As more arrows went sailing through the air, Crane dislodged them.

Monkey and Mantis began to work as a team, Mantis on his buddy's shoulder. Monkey used his staff to distract and fight with, while Mantis snapped all of their weapons in half.

Creating more orbs of destruction, Wang Ling raged, "I won't let some puny warriors ruin my plan I worked to hard on! I did so much to get free! I planned everything so precisely! Then you all had to try and stab a hole into my boat! RAAAGGGH!!!" He charged at Tigress who had her back turned to him trying to fight off a stone lion.

"Tigress! Watch out!" Crane's warning came too late as the young tiger was knocked back a couple of yards from an extra-sized orb (extra painful...) Tigress held her breath from the sudden sharp pain that spread throughout her body. Without all of her Chi, the orb's power was even more agonizing.

"YOU LITTLE... INSIGNIFICANT... MONSTER!!!" Wang Ling roared so loud that it made the ground shake. He kept constantly shooting the orbs at her, fury driving him mad. Each orb making Tigress weaker and weaker. There was evil fire in his eyes as he laughed menacingly, enjoying the destruction that was going on around him.

"Excuse me!? Did you just call my daughter a monster?!" Master Shi Fu exclaimed. He growled and without looking, punched his opponent so hard that his stone head was blown a hundred metres away from his body. Then the rest of the statue crumbled to the ground, before being made into dust. Shi Fu kept doing that with at least a dozen more of their enemies, before everything got out of his system and he resumed back to his usual temperament.

Wang Ling growled, noticing what Shi Fu did to his stone statues. "This is it!" Wang Ling yelled wanting to finish this, he used both hands this time to generate a massive purple energy ball. The legendary Tiger power in evil version... He aimed at his granddaughter who was now sprawling on the ground in pain, trying to get away from him. Her friends were too occupied with their other enemies to notice or to come to her aid.

Wang Ling lifted his hands above his head, ready to eliminate Tigress with his final orb. He hissed coldly, "Your time's up... Tigress... RAGHH!!!"

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