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"Looking for me?" A certain panda with jade green eyes said before jumping off the metal cage he was on (which was Viper's) and into a battle position in front of the old tiger.

"Po!" Shi Fu called anxiously.

The ghost-like tiger scowled and started to say, "Uh, no. I was-"

"Looking for me?" The spirit turned around and came face to face with Tigress, who was in a similar battle form as Po.

His eyes went wide as he stared at his granddaughter in disbelief. "What-?! -But how?!" He tried using his powers on Tigress again, but failed. "Why can't I control you!? HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO BREAK FREE?!?!?! Bu- How-This is impossible!"

Tigress smirked as she signaled Po. Immediately, the panda charged at the distracted spirit and attempted to punch him right in the head, but instead he went flying through him!

"You FOOLS!" The elderly tiger exclaimed, turning his attention to Po. "I am a spirit! I cannot be touched! Did you really think your plan would work?!"

"Actually... yeah." Po told him, standing up.

All of a sudden, the sound of multiple metal locks being broken were spread throughout Tiger's Cove. The rest of the masters quickly escaped their cages and joined Po. "Aw, yeah baby!" Po exclaimed, fist-pumping.

Tigress chuckled, making her grandfather turn back round with a furious expression on his face. "Did you really think we would arrive here without a plan?" Tigress mused, leaning on one of the now-empty cages. "Now I'm wondering where I really got my intelligence from." She chuckled again while she unleashed her razor sharp claws, glancing at the broken locks next to her in front of the hollow cages.

She looked her grandfather straight in the eye. "You shouldn't underestimate us. And you shouldn't overestimate your security! May I point out that those locks were only made of steel and iron mixed together?... Well now, on to business..." Tigress intensified her glare that it could shoot daggers. "Playtime is officially over for you!"

"RAAGGHHH!!!" Tigress' grandfather roared in fury. "How DARE you mess with the one and only WANG LING!!!

"Oh, so that's his name." Mantis inquired, scratching his chin with one of his 'claw-thingies'. *breaks fourth wall, speaking through the screen* "Hey Kay, it's about time. I bet you were boring the audience always calling that guy 'Tigress' grandfather', 'the elderly tiger', 'the ghost-like being'..."

Me: *hisses* "Mantis! Stop breaking the fourth wall! Do you know how many repair men I had to call to fix it?!...- and yeah, I was sorta running out of ideas on what to call Tigress' grandfa- AGH, I did it again! *sigh*... Just get back to the story..."

Although, Master Shi Fu had a different reaction to Wang Ling's name. His eyes went wide as he looked back at the tiger with a different image.

Wang Ling... a legendary monster! Who could make his enemies tremble in fear just by the click of his fingers. So strong that he could break a wooden board with a simple tap! Staring somebody down with his piercing yellow eyes could make the earth stop! Though he had a terrible temper, he was still pretty awesome... Uhh, I mean he would be awesome, but the fact that he's evil really takes away all the coolness that he possessed... -Oh, but that evil laugh was amazing! Buut, he- he..uh.. l-let's just say he.. sent a lot of people into the Spirit Realm...- And masters. And a lot of masters too...

Ahhhaha, okaayyy... He was bad- actually more than bad- real evil, his temper always made the lives of others miserable- it didn't help that he was also completely insane. He caused destruction everywhere he went- fires, destruction, explosions, destruction, etc... So, he was banished from Tiger's Cove. That's when Wang Ling made his own army of evil minions, which led to the legendary war of the good and evil tigers. His son was Tigress' dad, whose wife's mom was the captain of the non-evil tigers. Since everyone diiee- was sent into the Spirit Realm.. during the war, that makes Tigress the last tiger from Tiger's Cove, and royal. OK, the end."

Kung Fu Panda Story (ORIGINAL) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt