An Invasion!

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"Po! What for US!" Viper called out to the panda.

Po was almost at the entrance to Chorh Gom prison when he turned around in surprise.

"Guys! Hey. What are you two doing here?" He asked.

"Master Shi Fu told us to come with you." Crane explained. "We also wanted to see how Tigress is doing do far."

"Oh, I hope she's alright. Poor sweetie." Viper said, worried.

Po assured the serpent, "I'm sure she'll be fine. Tigress is as tough as... well, herself."

The trio were just about to open the large, heavy doors when they suddenly flung open with a rhino guard yelling, "The prisoner has escaped! I repeat! Master Tigress has escaped! Go! Go! Go!"

With that, another twenty rhino guards charged out to see which direction the master went... If she was even still close by that is.

The three masters looked at each other, eyes wide. "Does that mean...?" Crane started.

Po sighed. "Looks like we've got to find another evil Tigress.... Let's see what we can find inside. Maybe there's something that can help is. Come on!"

The others nodded and ran into the prison for any clues as to where Tigress went.

As they approached Tigress' prison cell, more guards were rushing around everywhere.

"Search EVERYWHERE! We can't let this prisoner escape!" A rhino guard yelled loudly.

The three warriors snuck past all the commotion in hopes of not getting noticed. The guards wouldn't have let anyone inside if someone had escaped in any way. Right then, no one didn't even notice the panda, bird and snake sneakily entering the prison cell door. The Jade Palace masters quickly closed the door behind them silently, but when they turned around, they got a wild shock...


Th remaining masters at the Jade Palace were about to leave when green smoke appeared out of nowhere. Everyone was confused and startled. Green fog coming from absolutely nowhere was definitely suspicious. Just being inside the palace, the warriors tried to rush outside to find the source of such a fog.

They couldn't though... The doors were shut tight. They wouldn't even budge.

"What is this thing!?" Mantis panicked.

More and more smoke was seeping into the large room by the small cracks in the huge doors.

Master Shi Fu said, "I'm don't know what this is, but it doesn't look like a good sign!"

As more of the mysterious green smoke came in, everyone started to cough from lack of oxygen. "We need to find a way out of here! Like NOW!" Monkey said through coughs.

"There IS no other way out!" Shi Fu exclaimed. "It was made with only one entrance and exit!"

Mantis suggested, "We have to try SOMETHING! This smoke is creeping me out! What if we try to break the wal-"

"Mhmeheha... You really thought I would be defeated so EASILY? Mhmhm... Well, you were mistaken!" An echoing, deep voice startled the three masters who were now on guard in case of any sudden ambush.

They looked around frantically. "Who are you!?" Shi Fu demanded. "Are you the one to start this smoke? If so, I command you to take it back!"

"Oh, old master." The voice eerily mocked. "The smoke isn't at ALL a problem compared to what I REALLY have in store... but, don't you know me? REMEMBER me?"

Monkey replied, "Ummm... are we supposed to?"

"Haha! You are quite the funny type aren't you. I wonder if you've ever made my GRANDDAUGHTER laugh!"

Everyone's eyes went wide with realization. "Oh, that rings a bell doesn't it?" The voice said.

"What!? H-How are you here!? Where ARE you!?" Shi Fu stuttered angrily and confused.

Hmmmm.... Let's just say Tigress' Chi is strong.... but it night need a little WORK.... not like she has anything to work with anymore! Mhmhwaaaa!!!" Tigress' evil grandfather laughed eerily.

Shi Fu tried to control his anger. "What do you mean 'It's not like Tigress has anything to work with now'? What have you done to my daughter!? Where is she!? Where ARE YOU!?... ANSWER ME, YOU UNWORTHY, LITTLE SCOUNDREL!!!"

The masters shivered as they felt the evil being smirk upon them. "My... Watch the language. No need to be so angry. Both answers about location shall be answered soon... Look behind you."

The warriors hastily turned around to the face the door. They gasped and Mantis almost fainted as they saw Tigress walking towards them.

"Tigress!!" Monkey and Mantis yelled. They were about to charge forward for a big hug, but their master stopped them.

Shi Fu frowned for he had noticed something... different about Tigress. What was with her eyes? The smile she wore was unsettling.... This... wasn't Tigress.... Not at all...


Everyone's eyes were wide open. They were confused as to what happened.

The middle of the floor had black scorch marks in a large circle and there was a small glint of light shining from centre. It looked like some sort of pendant. A locket?

Po nervously and carefully walked over to the burnt circle, not knowing what to expect. The other two masters waiting behind, anxiously.

Though, when Po hesitantly picked up the shining object, Crane and Viper immediately recognized it.

"That's Tigress'!" Viper exclaimed as she took the locket with her tail.

"It is?" Po asked, surprised.

"Yeah, but all we know is that she's had it for years." Crane said.

"How do you guys know about it?" Po asked.

Crane raised an eyebrow. "We thought YOU knew about it. Tigress asked for your picture, don't you remember?"

Po frowned, then the memory suddenly clicked in his mind. "Oh! That time! She didn't mention the locket though.... So her locket keeps pictures inside?"

Viper nodded. "She has photos of us as well. Master Oogway too, I think..."

"That's so cool!.... Getting back to the topic though, where's Tigress? She wouldn't leave her necklace behind would she?" Po said.

Crane shrugged. "If she was controlled into getting out if here, the effect should wear off soon right? She would turn back around wouldn't she?"

Viper sighed, "Well, wherever she went, we have to find her soon. I wonder if Shi Fu and the others are at Gongmen City already. Since there are less of them, they probably moved more swiftly."

Po said, "Yeah. We need to find Tigress and quickly."

Kung Fu Panda Story (ORIGINAL) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora