Is All Hope Lost?

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"Tigress...." Master Shi Fu stared at young master. The master frowned. "Tigress?" The tiger didn't respond. She only stood there, emotionless. Her eyes didn't contain that special glint that showed her mischievous side that she always tried to hide. There was no life inside them, no matter how fiery-looking they were. Her tail was dragged on the ground, not even curled up in the slightest way.

"Tigress!" Shi Fu said sharply as he snapped his fingers in front of her face.

He took a few steps back before shouting, "Where are you, spirit!? How dare you give me a fake replica of my own daughter!"

The eerie voice laughed. "She's not a fake, old man. She is just being... used for a little while, that's all... I thought you would've thought about that before... Not as smart as you look."

Monkey repeated, "What do you mean 'USED'?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Looks like I didn't choose my wording wisely.... I meant that she is being controlled by me... MHMHWAHAHAHA!!! MY PRECIOUS MINION! Watch oouut! I'm coming for you....." With that, the possibly insane voice disappeared, Tigress as well.

Mantis said quietly, "Is it just me, or does that guy have serious mental issues, because he's kinda giving me the creeps..."

The three warriors looked around frantically. This was going to be one mighty battle.

Then the masters heard an angry growl behind them.

They turned around to be struck in the face with sharp claws, making all of them fall to the ground, unconscious.


"What other pictures are inside?" Po asked, as he carefully held the precious locket in his hands.

"Not sure," Crane admitted. "She never properly showed us its contents.... But, I think we should go now. Tigress shouldn't be far right?"

Po shrugged as they started to run out the prison door. He accidentally tripped on a stone just as he going to drop the gold locket into his bag. The necklace hit the ground, making the container flip open. The Dragon Warrior started to get up until he paused, staring at Tigress' locket.

It flap was wide open at a ninety degree angle, a gold aura floating inside. The warriors scramble to take a closer look at it. The aura was like some sort of glowing bright-gold light. It had an enchanting flame-like appearance, and it looked familiar.... "Is that....?" Po started.

"Chi...." Viper finished. "No... It can't be... It's- it's Tigress' Chi...." The serpent gasped as she saw the little cloud of Chi turn into a shape of a tiger.

"What in the name of China is it doing in here then?" Crane asked, anxiously and curiously.

"Something bad must've happened..." Po concluded. "We have to keep it safe. Tigress could die without her Chi!" Po closed up the locket very carefully, placing it into his bag, making sure it was closed tightly.

"Come on! Let's go then!" Crane exclaimed. "We've got no more time to waste!"


 "Ughh..." Tigress held her head in pain as she woke up from her unexpected slumber. "Where-" Then she suddenly remembered where she was. "Oh right... THIS place." The master, with no emotions within her, walked over to her only way to see the outside world.

What awaited her wasn't what she had in mind at all. She was attacking something... or someone... That is, if you could really say it was her. 'What am I doing?' Tigress thought to herself. 'Who am I fighting?'

She couldn't see a thing. Only thick green smoke, though her mind-controlled self seemed to know where to go.

Tigress sighed. There had to be something she could do to escape. Or at least, something to do besides sitting around, waiting for a miracle to happen.

'I wonder where I am right now...' Tigress thought. 'Not like knowing so would change anything...'


"Arghh..." Master Shi Fu held his head with his hand in pain. "Where?- What?-" He suddenly saw his only other two students across from him. "Mantis! Monkey! Are you both alright!?" He asked, concerned.

"I guess." Mantis groaned.

Monkey just sighed and lay on his back. "Ow..."

The three were in an enclosed small room. There was grey and concrete everywhere. There was a wooden door on the left of Shi Fu, with flat metal bars wrapped around it. The grand-master crawled to the door and tried to open it. It was jammed shut. Monkey said, "Come on. Let me try."

Though, even with help from his master and Mantis, the door was glued shut. "What are we gonna do now?" Mantis asked, grumpily. "The creepy spirit dude's not here. We don't even know where we even are. The door's locked, so that means we're trapped in here until we come up with an idea or someone saves us-"

"-Tigress is being controlled by her own GRANDFATHER and we don't know where SHE is. The others are probably looking for her, we also don't know where THEY are. AND, the green smoke from earlier is seeping through the door again. Fantastic!" Monkey finished. There was silence in the room until all their eyes grew wide.

"Did you say green smoke?" Shi Fu demanded.

Monkey gulped and pointed towards the door. "Yup..."

Three all huddled at the other end of the room as quickly as possible, as far from the fog as they could get. Though, it was coming closer and closer until...



"Wah?" Tigress said as she shot up, awakening from, yet, another deep slumber. 'That was the WORST dream in the history of China.' Then, she thought again. 'Was that really a dream though? It seemed too real... No. It can't... Everyone I know is in danger. If only I could get out of here. If only I could feel SOMETHING.'

Then something caught her attention. "What?" Tigress said as she ran to the window. All she could recognize was that she was somewhere near Chorh Gom, as she saw the dimly lit building about two-hundred meters away from her. It seemed like she was hanging onto a rocky ledge and acted like she was trying to stay hidden.

Tigress then saw the trio run out of the prison. Po, Viper and Crane. I bet you all would think, that because she cannot feel any emotions right now, she would not gasp or her eyes would not widen in shock.

That was all true until...

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