If you love someone tell them

Start from the beginning

"Okay." I nod.

"You can go in and see her now. I want you to page me once she wakes up so that I can check her vitals again."

"I will."

"Okay, well you may go see her and congratulations on your little girl." She smiles.

"Thank you." I smiled. I took a deep breath before walking into Lily's room. I was relieved that she was okay, but it was never easy to see her hooked up to iv's and to know that she wasn't 100 percent healthy. I sat in the chair next to her bed taking her hand into mine.

"Hey sweetheart. I know that you're tired and you've been through so much today so I want you to get all of the rest that you need. When you do wake up I'm going to be right here by your side just like always and my moms going to bring our baby in so you can see her." I say caressing her face. "I can't wait for you to get to hold her in your arms. She is so beautiful and perfect just like you." I smile. I love Liliana so much. I always knew how lucky I am to have her in my life, but seeing what she went through today to bring our baby into this world made my love and appreciation grow even more then I thought it could. It just reminded me how strong my wife is and how lucky I am to have her and to never take her for granted. I continued to sit by her side, holding her hand. After about almost an hour. I felt my hand being lightly squeezed. I looked up and saw that Liliana was starting to open her eyes.

"Hey, beautiful." I smiled.

"Hey." She smiled weakly.

"How do you feel?"

"Really tired." She sighed.

"Are you in any pain?"

"I'm okay. Where's our baby?"

"She's in the nursery, my mom's with her." I say.

"And she's okay. She's completely okay?"

"Yes, she's been checked out and she is completely healthy." I smile.

"I want to see her."

"Arizona wants to check your vitals first. I'm going to page her and let her check you out to make sure that you're okay, then I will have my mom bring her, okay?"

"Okay." She nodded. I took out my pager and paged Arizona.

"You gave me a big scare today you know that?" I ask.

"I've been doing that since we've been together Avery. I always come back to you though." She smiled.

"Yeah, you do. You know how much I need you and so does our little girl. She needs her mom." I say.

"Yeah, she does." She nodded.

Liliana's pov

"Okay, your blood levels are still kind of low which I expected they would be so you're going to continue receiving blood transfusions for now. I'm going to keep checking your vitals regularly to make sure you don't develop a post op fever or any other complications. You still have anesthesia in your system so you shouldn't have much pain right now, but once it starts to wear off I'll add more morphine to your iv. You just had major surgery so moving is going to be pretty painful for a little while, so I want you to just lay back and rest for now, okay?" Arizona instructed me.

"Okay, got it." I nod.

"I am going to go to the nursery and tell Catherine that she can bring you your little girl. I know you can't wait to see her."

"I can't." I smile. Arizona left to go to the nursery so she could have the baby brought to the room. I was definitely beyond excited to see my little girl. I was only awake for a couple seconds when she was first delivered and I didn't even get to hold her in my arms, so all I wanted was to spend time with her. Within a couple of minutes the door opened and Catherine walked in holding my baby.

"I hear someone wants to see their gorgeous baby." She smiled as she walked over to my bedside.

"Yeah, I do." I smiled as she held her so that I could see her. The baby was wide awake looking at me with her bright eyes.

"She's so perfect." I smiled. I honestly couldn't believe that something so perfect was mine.

"Yeah, she is isn't she" Jackson smiles.

"Can I hold her?" I asked.

"Of course, she's your baby." Catherine smiles.

"I'm going to have to help you sit up a little." Jackson says.

"Okay." I nodded. He slid his hand behind my back before helping me sit up. I took deep breaths as I felt pain in my abdomen.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just hurts to move. I'm fine." I assure him. Once I was sitting up and comfortable Catherine handed the baby to me, before leaving the room so Jackson and I could have time alone with our baby.

"Hey, my little perfect princess. Mommy's so glad to have you in my arms. You don't know how long I waited for this moment" I say caressing her little face. "I can't believe she's finally here. It's so surreal."

"It is." Jackson smiles. "We have to pick out a name for her."

"Yeah we do. I actually have one in mind."

"What do you have in mind sweetheart?"

"I was thinking Isabella Sloan Avery. After my mom and Mark."

"I love it. It's perfect for our little girl." He smiles.

"She's so beautiful."

"I know, just like her mother." He says leaning over to gently kiss me

"I can't believe she's actually ours and we're going to get to take her home and watch her grow up. You can try to prepare all you want, but you don't truly understand what it's like to be a parent until you're holding your baby in your arms."

"I one hundred percent agree. We knew she was coming, but I couldn't have even imagined how I would feel seeing her for the first time. I've never felt a feeling like that except for when we had George."

"I know. Your kids bring out a whole different kind of love. I wish that George was alive to meet his little sister, but I know that he's here with us even if we can't see him."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Everyone we've lost, they're still by our side every day." I smiled.

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