Every single pond showed me a memory that came crashing back into my head, slowly everything was coming together. My entire life. My parents. Eric. The Daylight pack. The Blackwater pack. I was ready to reach the other pond when Maya clicked her tongue, distracting me. She nodded quietly towards the last pond.

It was the brown wolf. She sat patiently beside the next pond, her tail slowing thumping the ground, waiting for me. 

'Are you ready?' Maya asked. I looked at her confused. Why wouldn't I be ready to learn all my memories?

'This memory is going to be the most painful to remember, you'll be going through it all over again and when you're there, I can't help you.'

'I thought you said the wolf was going to show me her birth.'

Maya grimaced.

'Yes, but you're involved. It's important.'

Goosebumps spread along my arms as i edged closer to the wolf. She looked calm though. She was ready for this, or maybe she didn't understand what was going to happen next. When we were both facing one another, 2 ft apart, our heads both turned at the same time to look at the pond and I blinked my eyes several times at what I saw.

My reflection wasn't of me. It was the brown wolf.

I glanced over at the wolf, whose reflection appeared to be that of my own. This must be a water trick, the reflections had moved somehow. Suddenly, blood spurted out from the bottom of the pond, moving upwards to the surface in a congealed torrent. It almost looked like the inside of a lava lamp, except it morphed into intricate lines and squiggles. Then I realised it was showing a memory. 

I shuddered in horror as I saw my body, being ripped apart by a wolf. My arms held up in defence, were shredded apart in seconds. Then my legs were chewed and gnawed until it looked like butchered meat. 

Holding my hand to my mouth, screaming. The memory came rushing back and I could feel the pain all over again, images of the wolf tearing my throat out, making me feel sick. All I wanted was to throw up.

Falling on my knees, I heaved up and threw up inside the pond. However, instead of bile floating in the water, it was absorbed and gone within a second. I stared transfixed into the pond as I witnessed everything that had happened since I was here. I watched as Jamie came to my rescue, changing into a wolf herself as she crashed into the rogue. Reynard had come to my side. He was trying to see my neck when he realised that most of it was gone. I remembered now that I couldn't breathe out my mouth, how I could feel the air from my lungs going out through all the holes in my chest. They tried to hold me together, in pieces, as bits of flesh hung off my body and fell off. Placing me gently in the hospital. The grief. Then Eric and Grayson. Everyone left but Grayson. Grayson stayed with me. He healed me? He bit me.

Gasping, I watched as the image went blank and then showed darkness and silver. I was in a cage, but I was not a bloody mess anymore. I could see Grayson opposite me, he was staring at me. His eyes wide. The pain was too much. It went on for hours, someone yelled at me, then was speaking to Grayson. We were both to die at sunrise. He loved me? I couldn't process it because now I was seeing with my own eyes what was happening. 

The brown wolfs birth. My birth.

I was a werewolf. 

That was it. All the other memories, of our escape and travelling to here, came back with no help from the ponds. I remembered it all. I had changed into a werewolf. I wasn't human anymore. I wasn't me. 

I was devastated.


'Now you know the truth,' she said. 

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