part 5 - The End

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Not A Day Goes By - Part 5 - The End

Warnings: none that I can think of

Sorry this has taken so long guys, I haven’t been to well.
This is it :) the final part :) I hope you like it :D 

You limped back to the car and dropped into it heavily.

“Son of a bitch!” you grimaced as pain rushed through your body.

You should have listened to Cas, you were badly out of practice and it almost cost you your life. Months of taking care of Gabe, being constantly at his side had taken its toll. Your body was tired, your reaction time had depleted and the second Sam and Dean found out they were going to kick your ass for it.

Your drove as quickly as you could, which turned out to be extremely slow by your standards. You felt yourself let out a sigh of relief when the bunker finally came into view.

“Home sweet home!” you groan pulling on the hand break

Your growl and pull yourself out of the car, leaving your bag in the back for later. You hobbled through the hallways towards the room where Gabriel would be

“Cas?” you call as you approach the room.

He appears at he doorway and frowns at you

“You’re hurt” he states, you chuckle to yourself. Here you were limping heavily, you were holding your ribs and you knew by the tight feeling in your head that there was a pretty substantial cut there.

“Cas, never change” you mumble talking about his ability to state the obvious, he frowns and tilts his head in confusion. You shake your head dismissing your statement.

“What happened?” he asks following you into Gabriel’s room

“Well turns out you were right Cas, I’m out of shape. A few vamps threw me around like a rag doll. But they’re a pile of ashes now” you grimace lowering yourself into your usual seat.

“How is he?” you ask, noting he had turned over in his bed, his back now facing the chair you sat in.

“Much of the same, he’s almost at full strength but otherwise there isn’t much change” Castiel answered dejectedly

“Mental trauma doesn’t heal as quickly as physical wounds Cas, we can’t even begin to understand what happened to him in that place” you gasped when you caught your ribs on the arm of your chair. Unbeknownst to you this caused Gabriel’s eyes to snap open.

“Let me heal you” Cas offered raising his hand towards you, you duck away and lower his arm

“No Cas, you’re tired and you need to save your strength. I’ve been in a worse state than this trust me” you smiled tightly, knowing if you didn’t let his help you in some way he’d never let it go.

“But you could get me some of the pain killers in the first aid kit in the kitchen cabinet above the sink”

Cas nodded and left the room without another word. You pushed yourself out of the chair and shuffled slowly towards the little bathroom in Gabe’s room. You flicked on the light and took in your appearance.

You looked as if you’d gone ten rounds with Rocky Balboa. Your left eye was already bruising, the cut from your head had trickled blood down your face, your lip was split and you were certain you had at least one broken rib.

You grabbed the wash cloth and wet it lightly under the tap and tried to clean the dried blood from your face. You never heard the creak of the bed or the footsteps behind you, it wasn’t until you saw him standing at the doorway. You gasped and grabbed your ribs when the sight made you jump in shock.

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