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Quick AN: I can't come up with an emoji to use for Jake. If you have any suggestions put them in the comments below. Thank you! Enjoy this chapter.

Where do I even begin?
Well, first off, I'm laying in a hospital bed with both of my legs broken. Which is more annoying than painful.
Like a couple hours ago I had an itch under my cast that I couldn't scratch.

But back to the point. I've only been able to visit my best friend's hospital room once, and that was when he was asleep. Which, is both a good thing and a bad thing. The good part was that I could set his gift beside him, talk to him for a moment while he was asleep and leave. I avoided confrontation. I can't just go up to someone and be like, "Yo! Did you do this shitty thing?" No. I'm not like that.
The bad part was that.. I didn't get to hear his voice. I heard from Jeremy and Michael that Rich has a lisp now. What I also heard is that... He's bisexual.
Can I just list off how gay everyone in my friend group is? Cool? Okay.
Jeremy is Bi.
Michael is so fucking gay. So gay.
Christine is Demisexual.
Brooke is a Pansexual.
Chloe is bi.
Jenna is Ace.
And Rich is bi.

I didn't mention myself. I know.
That's just because I'm not out yet. I know I should be out. I just.. can't bring myself to just fucking yell "IM A PANSEXUAL!!" out into the open air where everyone can hear it.
I'm not ready.
And that's okay right?
It's okay to not come out even though all of your friends are out.
That's what I keep telling myself.

Well, I'm getting uncomfortable so we're going to a separate topic.

I know, I know. This subject isn't super different. Shut up! I know!
Anyways, it seems like everyone is in a relationship except me and Michael and Jenna and Rich.
Jeremy and Christine are dating and Brooke and Chloe are dating.
Michael told me he's in love with Jeremy. He has been for a while. I hope he tells Jeremy soon. Those guys would make such a cute couple.
Jenna has a crush on Chris.
And I.. I like Rich... I like him a lot.

I don't know where to start with him! His gorgeous green eyes, that red streak in his hair, his short stature, his build.
He's so amazing. Physically.
I don't know about his personality.

The Squip took that away from him.

I want to see it.
I want to get to know my best friend again.
I wanna know what he's like. Not just what he looks like.

I know that sounds cheesy.
Clearly, I know a lot of things.

Can I tell you guys the real reason I gave him that bear?

I gave him that bear to show him that I'm here. Even when no one else will be. I'm here for him.

I want him to know that.

God, that is so cliché.
The thing is, that I'm being honest.

I need to text Rich.

From: Tall-obnoxious-and-Handsome
To: SmolBiGuy

Hey. I'm Pan. And I wanna be your friend. Can I come see you?

From: SmolBiGuy
To: Tall-obnoxious-and-handsome

Word count: 559

Today's chapter was a little bit longer and I hope you guys enjoyed the ending of this one.
The next chapter will be a lot of... awkwardness and honesty.
Thank you so much for reading.

Edge: out


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