Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


            He was standing there with a smirk on his face, almost as if he knew something that I didn't.

            "What the hell do you think you're doing here?" I demand. "You should be in jail, you asshole!" I spit at him, and his grin widens.

            "You see," He pauses, "I have some… unfinished business with you." He eyes me up and down, as if he were sizing me up. He knew I would win if it came to a fist fight, unless I was taken off guard, which I wouldn't be.

            "There's nothing here to finish," I tell him, "Except for me to beat your ass for beating up your own girlfriend."

            "Oh yeah? You think you're so much better for her than me? Well get a reality check Kyle. You. Are. The. Same. As. Me." He smirked at me, knowing the effect his words had on me.

            "I'm nothing like you." I spat out. "Go to hell, asshole."

            And then I lunged at him.


            A few of the boys must have heard our groans as each of our punches hit their intended targets.

            Blood is falling from my nose like a waterfall and the floor is covered in blood. Half of my face feels like it's going to fall off, but I've dealt with worse pain than this. I think Luke might have broken one or two of my ribs, but they're probably just extremely battered and bruised. He had smashed his elbow into my ankle, so it was painful as hell to stand up and put my weight on it.

            It's only seconds later that the coach runs into the change room and as his eyes zero in on both mine and Luke's faces, his face hardens as Luke struggles to get out of the arms of two of the three freshman that had stayed behind, who were holding onto him.

            "Call the cops." Is all he says. I don't know if I'm going to get into trouble for beating Luke up, but to be quite honest, I wouldn't mind getting in trouble if I had been allowed to continue.

            I spat the blood in my mouth out, and, as one of the freshman ran off to call the police with a confused look on his face, I looked over at Luke.

            I smirked, proud of myself when I saw his nose at an odd angle. I broke it and I distinctly remember the way he cried out like a little girl. His face, like mine, was covered in blood, but most of it was mine, from my nose. A large bruise was forming along his arm from falling against the ground with me on top of him. His ribs ought to have some pretty massive bruises and hopefully some broken bones.

            Suddenly, I couldn't help but be disgusted with myself. I was being joyful about someone else's pain, just like Luke. Maybe I wasn't so different from him after all. But I did know one thing.

            I was completely and utterly whipped for Payton.

            I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of a police siren. Luke struggled even more. He knew it was for him.

            I could hear the sound of gravel crunching under the weight of the car's tires. It stopped, but it was a minute or two before both doors of the car opened and then slammed shut.

            The coach left to go greet them and show them where we were. As they walked in, I noticed that Luke went still. They both had looks of surprise on their faces as they took both of us in.

           "Got into a bit of a fight, did you boys?" One of them asked. I smirked as one of them winked at me, obviously seeing that I had the upper hand.

            "Is it that obvious?" I jokingly asked, a grin on my face. Despite the fact that my ankle hurt, and my ribs hurt a hell of a lot more, I was proud of myself, and yet I hated myself for feeling that way.

            "Well, we've been looking for this guy for a few days, so I suppose we can get him off of your hands Coach." And cue the struggling from Luke. "Man, everyone's going to want to know what happened to this guy…"

            "Tell them he walked into a rock." I couldn't help it, it kind of came out on its own and then I started laughing.

            The one that winked at me turned to Coach. "He doesn't have any brain damage does he?"

            And damn, the coach turned to look at me as he answered.

            "Nope, he's got something much worse." The he whispered something to the police officer, and I caught just the last word. "-love."

            If he thought I was in love with Payton, well, let's just say he was so goddamn right it wasn't even funny.

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