Part 8

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Weiss was lying on the dead after Sapphire pierced her ice sword through her heart. Susan and Karen arrived at the scene

(this is Susan)

(this is Susan)

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(This Karen)

Karen:What happened here

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Karen:What happened here.

Wolf:It seems that your little friend Weiss here, didn't quite make it.

Susan:You... You monsters!

Some silver aura came of Susan blowing everyone back. She charged directly at Wolf striking him several of times before sending him directly into a wall. He was now extremely pissed.

Jaune:Such power.

Wolf:That source of power will do Cinder well.

Wolf rushed at her and dodged each of her attacks and took out his sword and pierced her through the stomach causing Susan to let a scream.


Karen charged at Wolf but she was interrupted when Sapphire send her flying her attack before sending her back into the ground.

Wolf carried a nearly unconscious Susan to Cinder.

Wolf:Would this one do you good Cinder?


Cinder held up Susan's chin.

Cinder:That's some really good impressive power you got there. Don't worry, I'll make sure good use of it.

Susan spit in Cinder's face before Cinder used her arm to absorb all of Susan's power causing her to let out a loud scream.


Susan lifeless body fell to the ground.

Karen:I'll kill you!

Karen rushed at them but Wolf simply kicked her back.

Wolf:What's wrong?Lost all of your power because of your dare sweet sister's death?

Karen tackled Wolf to the ground and started punching him.

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