Part 3

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Yang was riding with the Blonde bandit on her bike.


Sapphire was back at the camp with her aunt Raven.

Sapphire:Alright aunt Raven I'm just gonna go around the camp a little bit.

Raven:Go ahead.

Sapphire started wondering around the camp until she saw a blonde girl with bandits covered in bruises. Sapphire walked up to her.

Sapphire:And just who might you be?

Yang:I'm Yang and I'm here to see Raven.

Sapphire:And why should I let you go see aunt Raven?

Yang:I'm her daughter.

Sapphire:Fine then, right this way ma'am. But first I'm just gonna get aunt Raven out here.

Sapphire went to the tent Raven was in.

Sapphire:Hey aunt Raven, there's a blonde girl here. She's says she your daughter.

Sapphire got out from the tent as Raven walked out wither mask on.


Raven took off her mask.


Raven placed her mask down.

Raven:So, after all this time, you finally decided to visit me.

Yang:You know I searched for you. I've spent years looking for you.

Raven:And you've found me. You were patient, determined and strong enough to make your dream a reality.Well done, Yang. But did you have to be so rough with my men?

Yang:I didn't want a fight. They started it.

Raven:Well, you certainly finished it.Right. I'm sure this us all overwhelming. But I must admit you've all proven yourself. So any question you have I'll be happy to answer. You can stay with us tonight. I'll even have the cooks whip up something for you.

Yang:That's not why I'm here.

There was an long silent.

Raven:What was that?

Yang:I'm not here for you. Ruby us in somewhere in mistrial. She's with Qrow and she's going to need to need my help. I just need you to take me to her.

Raven:And why would I do that?

Yang:Because we're family.

Raven:Family. Only coming around here when they need something. I have to say, I'm really disappointed. After all ,you found me, you found me didn't you? Why not take that drive and use it to find your little sister if she really means that much to you?

Yang:Because you're going to save me time.


Bandits started surrounding Yang.

Yang:Did you not hear me?

Raven looked over to Yang.

Yang:*angrily *I said send me to Qrow dammit!

Yang's eyes begin to turned red.

Bandit:That's enough!you watch your mouth in front of our leader!

Yang:Make me.

The bandit charged straight at Yang but she dodged and hit the bandit away.

Sapphire:Bad choice Blondie.

Sapphire charged her ice blast at Yang freezing her robot arm.

Sapphire:That'll make you behave yourself.

Sapphire started laughing while Yang gave her an angry look.


Yang looked over to Weiss seeing her locked up in a cage.


Weiss:Alright,well, subtlety is out.

Weiss's summon grew and cut the cage open. Weiss went aside Yang.

Yang:What is that?

Weiss:Don't worry about. What are you doing here?

Yang:Well, that's my mom and she can take us to Ruby.

Weiss:Your mom kidnapped me?

Yang looked over to Raven.

Yang:You kidnapped her?

Sapphire:Why seem so surprised Blondie why don't you just freeze?

Sapphire freezes Yang's arm again.

Sapphire:I just love doing that to ya

Yang angrily smashes her arm against the ground breaking the ice off of her hand. Sapphire equipped her ice sword and she ,Weiss and Yang charged towards each other until lighting hits the ground.


Raven:Thank you.


Yang" Raven,Weiss, Sapphire all went inside the tent.

Sapphire:(In her mind) I hope these don't cause us any trouble.

I hope you all enjoyed this because I sure did. Please leave a comment below, I would sure appreciate it, thank you very much.

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