Part 1

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You, Sapphire. And Wolf were walking in a ally. You guys were talking about getting your revenge on Team RWBY.

Sapphire:Y/n, Your two sister are apart of it, are you okay with that?

Y/n:I think I can handle it just fine.

Wolf:I can't wait to get my handful of blood.

Y/n:Easy there wolf, you might be getting too happy. (In your mind) I will be seeing you my dear sisters.

To Ruby.

Qrow:The city of mistrial.

Nora:Ugh. It's about time. Who's idea was it to walk again?

Ren:Well,We did face many obstacles.Broken, airships, destroyed settlements...

Jaune:Oh,and , you know, all those people and monster that tried to murder us.

Ruby:We're fine, only one of us almost died.



Nora started giggling to this.

Jayne:So how much farther to Haven Acedamy?

Qrow:Almost there. Kind of figured is take you kids on the scenic route.

Qrow opened a door that leads to Haven academy. Ruby ran up to the edge.

Ruby:This is awesome!


Blake was outside of her balcony.

Illia: You need better security.

Blake looked up to see Illia jumping down. Blake got in her defence.

Illia:Please, I-I just need to talk.

Blake:How could you take the fall for them Illia?

Wolf appeared behind Illia.

Wolf:Because it is the smartest thing for her to do. Perhaps you should do the same thing Blake, you should join us.Redeem. yourself.


Wolf:Hmm, suite yourself, I'm done trying to convince you. You should talk them Blake.


Blake:Corsac and Fennec blamed you. We confronted them tonight, and they deny knowing anything and everything we found on your scroll. Th-they talked about how disappointed to here that you sided with Adam. But you know they're guilty.

Wolf:You don't know anything Blake. If you interfere with our plans, I m afraid I have no other but to kill your family.

Blake:You dare, I won't let you.

Wolf walked up to her and grabbed her by the neck.

Wolf:Listen to me when I say this, don't you ever interfere with our plan our I will murder you and your family , you got that?

Blake was trying to pry his hand off until he let go of her neck.


You kicked opened the door revealing Nora, Ren, Jaune and Ruby sitting on couches.

Y/n:Why hello boys and girls.

Ruby:Y/n, What do you want?

Y/n:Oh nothing I'm just here for my sister that all. You're coming with mem, to Cinder, Now!

Ren, Jaune and Nora got up in defence.

Jaune:We are not letting you take her.

Y/n:Fine then, I have some other stuff to worry about.

You walked away.

I hope you guys all enjoyed the first part of my evil male insert . see you guys in the next part. Before I go let me tell about Sapphire and Wolf.

Wolf is a wolf faunus with wolf ears and grey hair.

Sapphire on the other is the cousin of the reader, she is Crow's daughter.

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