A Dream Is A Wish The Heart Makes (justin bieber)

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*Laurens POV*

“Oh my god!” I screamed at my best friend, her name is Kelly, we are screaming because we are going to Canada on a school trip it’s in two weeks and I’m so excited! Want to know the best thing? WE ARE GOING TO STRATFORD!! I know Justin doesn’t live there anymore but still. It’s weird as it’s our end of high school trip, we are going for two weeks, I can’t wait.

“As if we are going to Canada!” Kelly points out the obvious as usual.


“Shut up Lauren, no one cares about Justin” says Paris, one of the Bieber haters at my school Oh well, kill them with kindness right?

“Ok?” might as well ignore them now, I used to argue and stand my ground but there’s no point anymore they can’t stop my love for Justin.

“You will never meet him, you know that right, he doesn’t know you exist and doesn’t care”

This girl was getting on my nerves “What the hell? Why do you care? Just go away”

“No, you need to understand how pathetic you are!”

Ok she’s stupid. “I’m not pathetic I’m obsessed, get it right” and with that me and Tasha walked off laughing and leaving them, it hurts when poeple say stuff like that but if you let them got to you it gets worse.

“Don’t worry your time to meet him will come”

“I know it will, just hope it’s soon”

We walked to the first lesson of our last day in sixth form, it was history. Which was amazing as we both loved history, in our A levels I got B Kelly got A, our teacher was Miss Kaufman. As we had finished our tests we were just watching a Dr Who episode from ages ago, one with David Tenant in it.  It had the weeping angels in it, they creep me out. Big time.

Around half way through the lesson Kelly wrote me a note:

“On Saturday do you want to go holiday shopping? We need to look cute for the Canadian boys”

“Ok meet at mine at 11? We can go to Westfield?”

“Sure bring loads of money! SHOPPING SPREE!”

I loved Kelly, she always made everything fun, couldn’t wait for Saturday! After history we had two lessons left, I had psychology while Kelly had art, then we both had English. Kelly had shoulder length hazel brown hair that would do whatever she wanted it to, she had dark brown eyes that were to die for.

In psychology I sat next to a boy called Jamie, we chatted and got on well but he was a little weird. Psychology went by fast we weren’t doing much in that either, I mean what can you really do on your last day? It was break then a free lesson then our very last lesson of the year.

At break me and Kelly met up with our other friends at the canteen they were all talking about going to the London eye on Sunday. Me and Kelly decided not to go; we were going to have a sleepover Saturday night.

 It was me Kelly, Tasha, Dylan and Ben, we were the school weirdos, but who cares we loved each other. Ben and Tasha where an item, nearly a year, they were so cute together. Tasha was originally from Thai land but didn’t know any different language as she moved here when she was a baby. She was also the brainiest of our group, next to Dylan. She was crazy beautiful and I drove me and Kelly mad, she had the perfect hourglass figure and the best legs. Ben was a lucky man, he was adorable though, anything was wrong with Tasha he was there in a heartbeat. Ben was one of those people that suited braces, his hair was his best quality though, he had the traditional Bieber flick, which is why I constantly played with his hair.

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