*•.Chapter 2.•*

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(Danny's pov)

We were sitting in class, nothing to do while Mr.Lancer did attendance. After he was finished three kids walked in. They looked familiar. Oh wait! I remember seeing them fight that monster last night. I wonder why they're here. They seem pretty suspicious just popping up in the middle of the school year.

"Class, I'd like you to meet our new students. Please state your names to the class." Mr. Lancer said

"Annabeth Chase."

"Grover Underwood."

"Percy Jackson."

After their introductions they were seated in the back with Sam, Tucker, and I. They started whispering and glancing at me.

There is obviously something suspicious about those three. I have to find out what it is.


It was now lunch time. I was putting away my stuff, I closed my locker but only to see Dash and his gang. Dash grabs me by the collar of my shirt and slams me against the lockers with a bang. I winced at the pain in my back.

"Hey Fenturd, I forgot to bring my lunch money today and thought if maybe I could borrow yours." Dash smirked.

"No, I need this." I defended.

"Fine, if you won't let me have it then I'll just have to beat it out of you." He sneered.

Dash reeled his fist back. I shut my eyes waiting for the contact, Dash punches my jaw and I slump down onto the floor. Then Dash's gang starts kicking me in my stomach making me fall on the floor while curled in a ball.

"Hey!" A voice yelled.

Dash and his gang looked up to see the new kid, Percy with Annabeth and Grover behind him. He looked furious.

"Oh hey, it's the new kid." Dash said.

"Leave him alone, he did nothing to deserve this." Percy growled.

"Oh yeah? And what's a weak little runt like you gonna do about it?" Dash teased.

Percy glanced at a water fountain that was nearby. What is he doing?

Then all of a sudden the fountain broke and sprayed Dash. Dash yelled and slipped from the wet floor.

Dash's friends had already left him, running down the hallway. Dash had gotten up and ran down the hallway also, screaming like a little girl.

I got up and held my stomach from the remaining pain.

"Hey, are you alright?" I heard someone ask.

I look up to see Annabeth. "Yeah, I'll be fine. I'm used to his daily beatings." I said.

"He does this daily?" I heard Grover ask.

"Yeah, I'm his punching bag till I graduate." I said.

"You just let him hurt you?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, I can't really fight back so what's the point trying?" I replied.

"You know what? We will make sure he doesn't hurt you." Grover said.

Brothers AlikeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora