Part 8

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A/N: Sorry about the wait again. Had a final every day this week. BUT. Finally finished finals and am OFFICIALLY on summer break! Hope to update more these next couple days. c:


Bryce and Smitty almost aggressively walked into through the house in search of someone. I don't really know who or why. Nonetheless, I followed like a lost puppy. I mean, what else was I going to do? Delirious had disappeared when Tyler showed up.

We came to the kitchen where a certain bearded man had his head in the fridge, digging for something.

"Ah, just the man we were looking for!" Smitty swooned, a teasing and sarcastic tone to his voice.

Cartoonz pulled himself out of the fridge, closing it with a can in his hand. He craned his head in our direction. "Oh great. What does trouble want now?"

"Us, trouble? Neverrrr." Bryce joked, smiling so large it was easy to believe him as his face crinked with dimples.

"Uh huh," Cartoonz didn't sound convinced in the slightest. "Heard that one before."

Bryce chuckled.

"See, that damn laugh gives you away. I ain't helping you in whatever sort of plan you all have. And you ain't dragging sweet lil (y/n) into it either." Cartoonz walked over towards us, crouching down to my level to look me in the eyes. "Now you keep these two out of trouble. You hear?"

Nodding, I grin.

He nodded his approval before shooting a skeptical look at Bryce and Smitty. With that, he opened his can of pop and walked out of the room.

"Well, that was a bust." Smitty stated.

"No... no I thought that was totally a success." The sarcasm from Bryce made me giggle.

"What are ye laughing at?" A new voice said. Turning, I saw Nogla enter the room. He shot a look at Bryce and Smitty. "What do you two want?"

"Why does everyone think we're up to something!" Bryce called out, chuckling. Even though he sounded exasperated, he continued grinning.

"Oh, I don't know..." Nogla rolled his eyes.

"We just want to go window shopping and we need someone to drive us. We should give (y/n) a proper introduction into the family. Afterall, she did just train with Tyler for about 3 hours..." Smitty leaned against the wall, shrugging his shoulder.

"Oh shit. You're right. Plus, I'd rather be on your side rather than the receiving end of whatever prank you two pull."

Bryce grinned. "Exactly."

"Alright. Let's go. Besides. We need somethin to eat fer dinner since this house has no food."

The four of us, Bryce and Smitty triumphant, Nogla sulking, and me following, all mosey to the garage. We walk back through the room to where the hall of doors is, including the gym door, and walk to the very end where a metal door is. Nogla punches something into a keypad and he wrenches it open.

The room is not a room at all. In fact, it's a giant garage with a collection of cars. I couldn't decide where to look; all of the cars were so pretty and unique.

"Shotgun!" Smitty calls out.

Nogla walks to green car, Smitty running to the passenger seat.

Nogla had a frown. "No. (y/n) gets to sit up front."

"But that's not safe. What if we get in trouble, or a car wreck? Then she'll get injured." Smitty's eyebrow rose in question as he challenged Nogla.

The Price of a Life [Delirious x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now