17. "So Long." (Fluff)

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"So if we knew all along, why did it take so long? We've known since we were young, so why did it take so long? (...) Moving on, you and I started looking back, now we've got to make up for all the wasted time. You know I'd never let you just walk on by. From the day that I met you I knew you'd be mine."

3rd Person:

1 year post Girl Crush:

Harry thanked the driver of the taxi again before slamming the door shut. It had been forever since he'd seen her, but he was ready now. He was ready to tell her, everything she had said to him was what he'd always wanted. He thought he'd had made it clear to her as kids but, apparently not. He took in a shaky breath before he walked into the beautiful venue, his suit fitting snug hugging his wide shoulders.

"Well shit, Haz!" Jesy screeched, running over to him, while she pulled down her cocktail dress. He hasn't seen his own sister this past year either, and he really really regretted it. His sister, who was one of his favorite people for as long as he could remember, was engaged to a huge American football player. Harry had only met him one time before this, when they were just casually dating and he seemed good enough for his sisters high standards, and for Harry to even allow him to marry her though he knew Jes would do whatever the hell she felt like.

"Hey Jessica," he smiled, hugging his big sister tightly. "How's the party so far?" He added, with a kiss to her forehead, he was almost a whole foot taller than her. "Well, we've got a lot of cards and congratulations." Jesy laughed, grabbing his hand and tugging him further into the room where the engagement party was being held. Harry's eyes searched frantically for Leigh-Anne, he needed to talk to her.

"Have you uhh, seen Leigh yet? Is she umm here?" He stuttered as Jesy continued to lead him further, his eyes still glancing through out the room. "Uh, yeah, she came with Perrie. They're over there." She pointed to the far left, where Harry hadn't looked at well enough yet and there sat the girl he had been thinking about non-stop since February of last year.

Sunday, February 3rd 3:45am:

"Harry! Where have you been?" His Head was already ringing, and whoever was yelling didn't help. "I've got the worst headache, so can you not scream so loud." He frowned placing his large ring cover hand over his face. When he finally put his hands down, Taylor was standing there in her blush robe, tears staining her cheeks.

"I've been so fucking worried that something had happened to you Harry, and here you are at three in the morning pissed drunk." She rambled, tossing her thin arms across her chest angrily. He finally looked at her, his own eyes bloodshot with sleeplessness and drunkness. "Sorry, had a bit of an after party." He mumbled, kicking off his shoes and tossing his coat onto the stand. "If you don't mind, I really need to lie down." He added stumbling past his fiancée.

"I do mind, Harry." She whispered, turning in his direction and throwing her arms down in disappointment. He never acted this way with her, he never came home at the late hours of the night or drunk off his ass, she was just really confused. "I need you to talk to me, this won't work if we keep secrets." She added following behind him towards their shared bedroom. Harry was really not ready for what was bound to happen between them, he knew both of them would be hurting, more so her and he felt so so shitty.

"You're right." He mumbled, stopping in his tracks in the door frame of the dark room. "This won't work, especially if the secret has been here for our whole relationship." He trailed off feeling a little sick to his stomach. How had he not seen this before? How had he not known, how had he drug Taylor into this relationship knowing his whole heart wasn't there. Of course he loved her, he always had, and he did care for her, a lot actually but how could she hold a candle to the real love of his life? Sadly, she didn't.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Taylor tried, voice cracking a little at the thought of her life, her relationship, crumbling the day after she got engaged. She waited, standing behind him, feeling her heart beat out of her chest. "I can't keep lying to you, or myself. Or about my feeling for my best friend." He sighed, the alcohol slurring his words and reading his sober thoughts.

"What's that supposed to mean Harry? You're drunk and you're talking shit, please, we should just talk in the morning." She shouted, swiftly walking past him, into their room leaving Harry to stand there cupping his ears from her earth shattering voice.


After that, he left, for a while. But he was finally back, and he was on a mission. His long legs carried him to the table where Leigh, Perrie and Jade sat. Both Perrie and Jade with their boyfriends, and Leigh-Anne say in the middle of the couples probably overcome with third wheeling emotions like annoyance.

He finally was close enough for her to notice him and her face seemed shocked. He walked closer, letting a smile whip across his face. "Hey," he sighed, watching as her expression change into the smile he knew and loved. She mumbled a little hi, making Harry's heart skip a beat.

"Can we talk for a sec?" He asked, eyes shifting to Jade and Perrie who were smiling hard at the two of them. They swiftly looked away as they noticed Harry watching them. "Too many evedroppers around," he smiled, again at the two girls. Leigh-Anne nodded, grabbing the bottom of her dress as she stood up.

They walked back through the plethora of tables that littered the floor with friends and family here to support his sister and her new fiancé. No one noticed as they exited the beautiful venue and strolled down the street, Harry wanting so bad to lace his fingers into Leigh's.

"I've thought about what you said for so long." He spoke, finally breaking the not-so-awkward silence between the two of them. His mind raced as he waited for her to finally say something back. Leigh-Anne pondered on his words as she watched her heels clink against the concrete.

"I have too, honestly." She smiled over at him, and he almost instantaneously give her a smile in return. He loved her, so much, even her smile brought happy tears to his eyes. How had he not known this before? He felt completely imbecilic as he felt the butterflies fly around his abdomen looking into her brown eyes.

"I just need to know, why you walked away from me that night." Leigh-Anne asked, stopping in her tracks and finding Harry's green eyes again. She remembered that night like it was yesterday, it seemed to replay in her head all the time and she felt foolish for even saying anything. But Harry sure didn't. He was glad she did, he was just confused as to how she didn't know he felt the exact same way and he was the one thinking she didn't have feelings for him.

"I didn't know what to think. I was confused, and surprised because," he trailed off, looking away from Leigh-Anne for a second. The thoughts jumped around in his head as he thought of the feelings in his heart that night. The joy but pain, the excitement but fear. "I knew I loved you too, but I was so afraid to hurt Taylor." He added, feeling his eyes burn with tears, knowing he'd hurt her. "But I also knew it would be better for the both of us if the truth was out in the open and we could both be happy in our lives and not have regrets. I knew I would regret marrying her, because I'd see your face when I looked out into the crowd of family and friends and know my heart is with you, fully, you have my heart." He rambled, running out of breathe as he spoke feeling his lungs sting at the loss of oxygen.

Leigh-Anne, stunned, blink backed tears. She thought about all she said that night she finally told him she was in love with him, and how her heart felt heavy because she was convinced that he loved another. A small smile crept on her lips as she processed his words and her heart felt so good, it was basically jumping with joy. "I love you too, Harry."

Sorry the ending was so abrupt! I think you guys get the just, they end up together and make pretty babies and things. But I really wanted to get this out for you all so, HERE! I hope you liked it and didn't think it was trash!

- Brittany <3

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