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Teo's Pov
While I was on my phone I felt something tap my head I looked up and it was Alana.
Teo:"how the hell do you get up so early"I yelled but in a whisper.
Alana:"idk,I just do,and for some reason I have a feeling your up"
Teo:"well,that's what a girl supposed to do".I smiled and she smirked."what you wanna do tonight"
Alana:"we can go to a movie"then everybody ran downstairs.
Ayo:"we should watch the bye bye man"
Juju:"spongebob movie"we all looked at him laughed, then I patted his head.
Teo:"we'll watch that when we get home"he nodded
Key:"look we need to watch insidious chapter 4"
All:"Ok".even juju wanted to see it but let's just hope he don't cry during the movie cuz he scared.
When we got to the movies we bought our tickets and bought popcorn,and when we went to go sit down I was eating the popcorn,but Alana and juju was picking at the buttered ones.
Teo:"these good"
Juju and Alana:"especially the buttery ones"they said stuffing them in their mouth,and I just laughed,then the movie started and juju already had his eyes closed,but was peeking through his fingers.
Teo:"you scared?".I whispered to him.he nodded and I signaled him to sit on my lap,then he jumped up and sat on me and leaned back,then I nudged Alana and she sat up and looked at me."Look,he bout' to go to sleep on me"we both snickered and she leaned on my shoulder and kept a straight face.
After the movie it was kinda late and juju was sleep so when we got home,Alana put him in his room and she came back down tossing a ball in her hand.
Teo:"Where you get that from?"
Alana:"I got it from juju room on the floor"
Teo:"Oh"then she tossed it to me and I caught it.
Alana:"well,see y'all I'm going to sleep".she said walking upstairs and yawning.
Teo:"me too".I said running to her and following her to her room.
Alana's Pov
After Teo walked In I just shut my door because I don't want people just walking into my room sometimes,I jumped on the bed and just laid there and Teo just sat down.I got up again because I forgot to change into my night clothes so I went to the bathroom in my room and changed and laid back on my bed.
Alana:"you never sleep in yo room"I smiled.
Teo:"you ain't sleeping on yo own"he laughed.
Alana:"I know".I smirked and got under my covers kicking him in the side.
Teo:"Stop that"
Alana:"not until you come over here and lay down"he crawled to the other side of the bed and laid down next to me.
Teo:"Juju went to sleep quick huh?"
Alana:"yea,I'm surprised he didn't cry at the movies"
Teo:"yea,but I knew he was gonna be scared"
Alana:"I hardly jumped,that's why I was slumped back in the chair like that"
Teo:"yea,what time is it because we came back late".I lifted my wrist and looked at the time.
Teo:"time went by quick".he said turning over to me but I was under the covers."what are you doing"
Alana:"trying to look for something"
Teo:"like what"he smirked lifting his eyebrow
Alana:"my remote".then I found it by his foot."so,you couldn't tell me where the remote was?"I smiled into a laugh.
Teo:"nope,I like hiding stuff from you"he said while I changed through the tv channels.
Alana:"like I found a ring under my bed in a box".I smirked picking up the box,then he turned red.
Teo:"what,that's not for you"he said quickly and grabbing it then running out,I shrugged and laid back down.
Ayo's Pov
I was sitting on the bed on my phone on Instagram looking at my pictures.

____________________________________________________Ayo's Pov I was sitting on the bed on my phone on Instagram looking at my pictures

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

❤️:30k 💬:23.8k 👁‍🗨:50k
Ayo:"huh,I just posted this last night,likes be popping up"I mumbled to myself.Then I heard my door swing open,it was Alana."hey"
Alana:"hey,wass up"
Ayo:"being bored"
Alana:"you say that all the time,but anyway do you know who this is for"she showed me a picture of a ring,I was hoping she wouldn't ask that because Teo told me not to tell,well gotta make something up."uh,it's my mom's ring I was supposed to get it cleaned and bring it back to her".She leaned back and squinted at me."Ok".she walked out and shut my door,then I quickly texted Teo.


Where you at?!
Delivered at 6:05pm

On my way chill ,why
Delivered at 6:07pm

Because you need to get here
Delivered at 6:09pm

That gives me a perfect reason😂😂
Delivered at 6:10pm

You know she knows right?
Delivered at 6:11pm

Yea,I do she found out earlier today
Delivered at 6:13pm

Is she ok wit it
Delivered at 6:14pm

I guess but I'll be there in a minute
Delivered at 6:15pm

Delivered at 6:15pm

*Conversation over*

I laid there for a minute then I went to sleep then my eyes snapped open when I heard my door open,I jumped up and sat on my bed.
Teo:"You was sleep"he laughed
Ayo:"I was until you walked in"
Teo:"Oh,but I was at the jewelry store surprised they still open"
Ayo:"did you find a different one or you cleaned it"
Teo:"cleaned it,it's right here".He said pulling out the box.
Ayo:"Oh,but what're you gonna say to her?".He looked at me and sighed.
Teo:"I dunno,do you see how hard it was for me in college to ask her one thing?"
Ayo:"yea,but you gotta do it for yourself,but I'm gonna help you tomorrow if you need it,ok?"
Teo:"Ok".he said walking out.
Ayo:"Now,go back to her room".and after he walked out I went back to sleep.
Alana's Pov
When I was under my cover taking up the whole bed,I heard someone walk in,I sat still,then who ever it was sat on the bed and grabbed my hand,and I noticed who it was.
Teo:"I gotta ask you something"
Alana:"what is it"I said sticking my head out from under the cover.
Teo:"will you-marry me"he said quickly while turning red,I sat up and smirked.
Alana:"say it again,but a little slower".My soul was literally screaming "Yes",but I just wanted him to say it again.
Alana:"Yes".He smiled and hugged me tightly and Ayo ran in.
Ayo:"dammit I missed it".He laughed."anyway looks like someone's engaged".He smiled taking a picture.
Teo:"yea,but what time is it because I'm bout to go to sleep"
Alana:"4:59am"I said checking my phone and laying down,then Ayo stood up.
Ayo:"well,I'm going to sleep too,see ya"he said walking out,and after he left me and teo went to sleep.

Q:Do y'all like this book so far?Because barely anybody voting so I need y'all to at least vote when you can.

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