"Congratulations.... spartan." John said clasping Marks forearm. "To you too Spartan." Mark said smiling behind the visor. Everyone watched as the two walked down the lane, towards freedom, to the open city which neither of them had seen in years. "Lukas! Over here!" A voice called, Mark smiled running over to Alice. "Its so good to see you!" He yelled picking her up and spinning her around and around. "Come on guys!" Alice said motioning to a car, Mark and John looked to each other. "We have a couple weeks before we go to reach, come on, lets go!" Mark said taking off. John gave in and ran after them, entering the vehicle and sitting next to Mark, who had his arm around Alice. The car drove off and ended up at a huge building, Mark got out holding Alice's hand, then he walked inside. "Where are you guys going?" John asked looking at the mansion. "Oh, welcome to mi casa, my home!" Mark said opening the door. "Mark!" A voice called, Johnson ran over and embraced Mark. "Its been to long sir." Mark said smiling. They all had a great day after they got out of the armor, relaxing in civilian clothes made Mark and John feel uncomfortable, but they suffered through it.

"Lukas get up!" John yelled shaking Mark until he woke up. "We gotta go! A covenant fleet is closing in on Reach!" John yelled, Mark jumped to his feet and started mounting his armor, then they ran out and into a car. Mark caught a glance of Alice and he stopped. "John... I cant go, I have some family business to figure out before I go." Mark said stopping. "You cant! If they find-" "Just go! I'll be alright!" Mark interrupted running to Alice. John looked at Mark for a long time. "We will meet again John, but they need you, go!...........and John, my real name is Mark." Mark confessed , John nodded slowly and took off, Mark watched as his best friend and only true brother took off to the ships


"Mark!" the Chief yelled, his pod suddenly opened and Mark was thrown to the wall as the ship rocked. "Oww!" Mark said standing up. He looked up to John laughing to himself. "Fuck off." Mark said simply cracking his neck. "Cortana whats happening?" John asked. "I dont exactly know, the ship is severely damaged, we're being attack by something... maybe if you can open the blast doors we can see." Cortana responded. They nodded to each other and started off. "How long were we out?" John asked. "4 years 3 months 7 days." Cortana said. Mark wasn't surprised, his armor was back to full charge, it took a long time for it to automatically charge like that, and even longer in stasis. A sudden red scan brought Mark out of his thoughts. "The hell was that?" Mark asked looking around. "Someone is scanning the ship, and I dont know who." Cortana said quietly, they shrugged it off and kept running. Suddenly Mark's instincts kicked in and he ducked out of the way just as a plasma grande flew past, he would have been killed. Mark turned and fired the magnum striking the grunt. Then was pinned down by an elite, Mark reached for his sword before he remembered. *Flashback to the drive to the Forward unto Dawn*

"Arbiter, you have not stopped staring at my blade for this entire drive." Mark said as he glanced back. "I was wondering if I could borrow it to make more." Arbiter asked kindly. "I dont see why not, here." Mark said handing the blade to the Arbiter. "Thank you, I ensure that I will give it back." The Arbiter said taking the blade. *Flashback End* 

"Dammit!" Mark yelled then finally reached up and broke off one of the elites jaws, kicked it off and took its energy blade. He cut the Elites head clean off and stood tall as its blood seeped down from his visor. "You alright?" John asked. "Fine, why the hell are the covenant attacking? I thought we were friends?" Mark asked firing away and cutting the covenant down. "They wear a new style of armor, perhaps they are a band of rebels?" Cortana suggested. John opened the blast doors just in time to see a destroyer fly past. "HOLY SHIT!" Mark yelled. "Or maybe its an entire rebel fleet!" Cortana yelled. "The payload! We have to take down that ship!" Mark yelled pointing. "I cant access it!" Cortana yelled trying again and again. "ALPHA WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Mark yelled. "Combat A.I. Program initiated, designation...Alpha." A voice said. "727, you require assistance? Oh what has been going on while I was asleep?" Alpha asked confused. "Doesnt matter, can you launch the missiles to that ship?" Mark asked pointing. "I will try." Alpha said diving into the computer. He came out a few minutes later. "I have prepped the missiles for launch, however they were damaged.... I can not launch them from this terminal." Alpha said. "Where to Alpha?" Cortana asked. "To the outside station... please be advised I am detecting multiple life forms moving towards out position." Alpha informed. Right on queue drop pods hit the walls and covenant started flowing in.

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