Snowboarding Incidents

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3rd Person POV (non-gendered specific)

This will be the first time Harrison will be taking his significant other on his annual snowboarding trip. Every year, the Osterfields and the Hollands go on a trip to France and snowboard in the mountains. Not that Y/N was begging to go with both families, Harrison just really wanted to take them.

When Y/N got the news they would be going, they panicked. They have never gone snowboarding before, therefore, they don't own gear to go snowboarding.

Once the news got to Tom that Y/N would be going, he made a long list of things to buy them to be able to snowboard. The list consisted of goggles, pants, a thick coat, a helmet, gloves, and snow shoes. Y/N thought it was all too much for Tom to buy them all of this, but he insisted, because they made Harrison happy which made him happy.

The Osterfields, Hollands, and Y/N arrive to France very late night, so everyone decided to turn in early. Harrison was able to convince his parents to get him and Y/N their own room, because he just knew it would be awkward if they didn't. Tom and Harry kept poking fun at the couple for getting their own room, but then they found out Sam and his girlfriend got their own room and began making fun of the two of them.

"Oh, piss off," Harrison quietly mumbles under his breath. He kept pressing the card against the lock, expecting it open, but only to have it buzz and turn red. The door did that for a couple more times until Y/N took the card out of his hands. They place it in front of the door with the locking clicking open. "You have the magic touch." He grumbles.

"Sure," Y/N laughs, wheeling their suitcase into the open room. Harrison trails behind them and admires the room he rented for them. It has a large bed in the middle of the room, a porch with a hot tub, and a rather large bathroom. He really scored big time.

Harrison and Y/N settle down on either side of the bed with their suitcases against the wall. Since it was only nine at night, he decides to order a pizza for him and Y/N to share.

"Order some wine too," Y/N chimes to Harrison while he's talking on the phone to a hotel worker. He playfully rolls his eyes at them, then adds wine to a list of things he wants to order.

Once Harrison puts the phone down, he climbs back into bed next to his lover and throws his arms over their shoulders. "The food should be here in thirty minutes." He lightly kisses the top of their head and hums to himself. "I'm going to teach you everything to know about snowboarding tomorrow. We will start off with the easy stuff, then maybe get a little harder as the days go by."

"Haha, very funny," Y/N crosses their arms over their chest and pokes out their bottom lip. "I can barely ride a skateboard when you tried to teach me, this isn't going to go any better."

Harrison shakes Y/N's body in excitement. "Of course it will be! When skateboarding, there was a possibility of scraping a knee. When snowboarding, you are all padded up with clothing. Basically, nothing bad will happen."

"You are a shitty liar."

The next morning, everyone met down in the lobby to grab breakfast. Naturally, Tom grabs a croissant. Y/N decides to get one too, because nobody can resist French bread. It is honestly the best. Harrison made fun of both of them as he ate his omelette. The chefs made it specially for him when he asked to have one.

Everyone ate their food quickly so they could all rush back upstairs to put their snow gear on. Y/N purposely took the longest, which made Harrison run back over to throw them over his shoulder.

"Put me down, Haz!" they laugh, hitting their boyfriend's back. Harrison stays quiet and continues walking towards their hotel room with Y/N on his shoulders. Once they both got in, Harrison drops Y/N back down on the floor so he could find his snow gear.

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