Chapter 8

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When father told me my other half has to be the daughter of Sir Chiron, I was confused.

Sir Chiron is my father's best friend.He never had a family, that's what I know.They only gave me a picture of her.I tried searching for her, but she's nowhere to be seen.

When I decided to stroll in the sublunary world.I came across a girl who looks exactly like the one in the picture.Her name is Celeste.

When my eyes first see her, I have this familiar feeling.That I've known her before.And so I got closer to her.

I know where she lives, where she studies.Her family and also her friends.Celeste doesn't have a father,and her mother somehow looks familiar to me.

After getting closer with Celeste for a few days,I have this little feeling in my heart.I'm not supposed to, I'm destined!But my heart can't resist this feeling.The feeling of wanting her for myself only.

A destined demon is allowed to have other wifes right.And since I'm one of the prince in here, I can still have other wifes.It's logical to claim Celeste mine.

"Do you think they'd know she's not from here?"

I am back in my home,with August and Adam over.My real true home, in the Netherworld.

"Evan,it's risky. Even though she looks exactly like the girl in the picture, she's still human. Your father can smell the scent." August said.

"You will be punished and we know you wouldn't want that." Adam is playing with his hair, more like testing out colours actually.

"But I'm out of time. At least I brought back the face, I'll just tell him I thought she was a demon since demons are allowed to wander around the sublunary world."

"Hey Evan, what's with the scar?"

Scar? I look at myself from Adam's vision.Scars are forming on my neck.
Yes, they are forming, an ongoing process.

My destined must be getting hurt somewhere.It works like the soulmate thing humans say.Anything on your soulmates body, ongoing or past, will also be on your body when the both of you reach a certain age.

My destined has reach her age,which means I can search for her now.

"My destined."

"You can search for her now!"Adam, now with red hair exclaims.

"I've informed the others, they will help search for her too."

I guess August used telepathy.Since I have clue now,I have to be fast. 

First Evan POV!!
This story really sucks lol
Should I put a warning in the description?
I'm such a disappointment
Btw isn't Adam hot,like, HOT🔥
He's Fan ChengCheng,an actual meme,don't be fooled by his visuals :)

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