Chapter 20

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Me and Tom walk out of the change room, his hair is still a little damp, but it's drier than it was. "What happened?"Clary asks when she sees us. "Seb set up a rig that dropped water on Tom when he opened his locker." I explain. "When would he even have time to do that?" She asks. "Probably after we all got sent on our own ways snuck in through the back door and set it up. "But his locker should've been locked." Clary states. "Yeah, I uh-I keep a spare key in the change room in case I lose my other one." Tom admits. "Smooth Tom, real smooth. Since the war has begun, no more doing shit like that." I demand. "Okay." Tom complies. "Now!" Clary claps her hands together. "Lets get to work!" She cheers. I nod my head and follow her through the large room, Tom close behind me. Eventually we get to a large mat covered area and there's two big foam blocks set up on the two far sides of the mat. "In case you're wondering, we're practicing your routine that you'll be doing with Seb today where you get thrown onto the table. Have you practiced it before?" Clary asks. "Uh yeah, me and Seb have gone through it quite a bit." I tell her. "Okay good, get in position then, Tom, either stay there and watch or go do something else." She orders. I do as I'm told and get into the position where I'll be running in from. "I wanna watch, but I won't interfere." Tom says, then takes a seat on the floor by the edge of the mat. Clary gets into position then nods at me. "Ready?" She asks. "Yeah." I respond. She kicks the air as if she was kicking Tony back. That's my que. I run in and go for a kick to the side of her ribs. She blocks it and I go to kick the other side. This time it "hits" her. I balance on the floor again and she goes for a punch. I duck under it then back up, as this would be the point where scarlet comes in. She would knee him in the chest and punch his knee, then I come back in. I "kick" her in the face and she swings her head back, then I swing my leg over her shoulder. She grabs my leg and holds it there. I do what I would do for the camera and look up at her face in shock,and fear. She does a little smirk before throwing me over her shoulder and onto the large foam block behind us. I act as though I'm in pain and roll onto my side, clutching my chest. "Okay,cut scene!" Clary calls. I heave myself off the block and back onto my feet. "That was amazing!!" Tom cheers. He's on his feet now. "Thanks." I smile at him. "Can I do training with you? If you don't have anything you need her to do of course." Tom asks. :No, you guys can go do whatever, they just wanted me to make sure she knew that one, it's the only action sequence she'll be filming today." Clary tells us. Tom does a quiet "Yes!" under his breath, probably thinking I wouldn't hear it. I chuckle lightly and he snaps his head towards me. :Have fun, but be safe." Clary tells us before heading off. "You're really excited to work with me huh?" I tease him. "Well I-you-uh-I just-"He stutters. "Tom, it's okay. I'm teasing. What do you want to do first?" I question. "Right, uhhhh. Oh! How about the climbing course!" He suggests excitedly ,pointing to the large contraption in the corner of the room. I giggle at his childlike excitement and nod my head. "Sure, lets go." I agree. We both make our way to the climbing course and climb up the stairs to the platform where the start of the course is. Once we're on the platform, I really take it in. The first thing is a large rope wall. When you get to the top of it, you'd be about twenty feet in the air, but there's a large pit below it filled with foam cubes in case you fall. That then goes into a more complicated version of looped monkey bars. They're in no specific order and are kind of all over the place. The there's a platform for you to stand on before you move onto the next thing, trapeze bar swings. You have to get the momentum to be able to get to the next one, and there's five. After that and you've landed on the platform, the next thing is these large rope sacks filled with flat foam circles. Three in a row. After that, you have to climb on a rock wall to get to the bottom. "Oh, this is going to be fun. Challenge to see who can finish the fastest, or practice run first?" I ask Tom. Practice run first." He answers. "Okay, I'm going first." I state, then step forwards. "Be my guest. I get to watch what not to do as you fuck up." Tom teases. "Oo! Careful Holland, I can still prank you." I retort. I take my hair elastic off my wrist and tie my hair up in a high ponytail. "It's getting heated!" Tom shouts. "I will kick you." I snarl. He just chuckles and I grab onto the ropes. I put my feet on the ropes and start climbing. The ropes shake as I climb, but I just keep going. I'm about three quarter of the way up when I decide to look down. The ground is far away, and the only pushes me even more to keep going. "You're going great!" Tom cheers from below. "Thanks, but don't distract me!" I yell back. I get to the top and weasel my way around the netting and get onto the platform. "Okay Holland, start climbing!" I yell down to him. "Already on it!" He responds. I peak my head through one of the hole and look down at him. He's a fast climber, I'll give him that. He's about one quarter of the way up. He climbs like, well, he climbs like spiderman, quickly but carefully deciding where to put his hands and feet. Before I know it, he right in front of me. I pull my head back and help him onto the platform. "You're good at climbing." I compliment. "Thanks, so are you." He says. "Thanks." I smile at him. "So, who's going first on this part?" He asks. We both walk up to the edge of the platform and look at the loop monkey bars. "I'll go." I volunteer. "Okay." He says and takes a small step back. I grab the first loop with my right hand, make sure my grip is good, then step off the platform. My arm flexes as it holds my whole body weight. I feel my muscles burning as I hang there. I grab the closest loop with my right hand and instantly feel the burning spread out as I release some of the tension by grabbing another loop. I swing to get some momentum and then let go with my right hand and swing to the left and grab another loop. Once I'm about halfway across Tom starts. This part takes us a while but eventually, I make it to the platform. Once I'm on solid ground, I feel my arms relax. I turn to watch as Tom makes his way across. He's almost where I was about five minutes ago, halfway to where I am now. The muscles in his arms are flexed and his face is scrunched in concentration and maybe some pain. Yeah we're in shape, but that doesn't make this any easier. "C'mon Tom, you got this!" I cheer him on. He swings to the next loop, then looks around for another one. Quickly he finds the best one to go to, and swings to it. I keep cheering him on as he monkeys his way here. After a few more minutes of me cheering him on and him making quick decisions of which loop is the best one to swing to, he's only four loops from the platform, but I can tell his muscles are getting tired. "You're almost there, just a little farther!" I cheer. He swings fast and makes it so he's one loop away. I move to the side and lean on the large padded post to give him room. He swings to the next loop, so now there's only one left but his other hand gives out and now he's just dangling by one arm. I push myself off the pole, ready to help if I need to. I look at his hand that he's holding on with, it's slipping. I step closer to him and stand on the edge. I know he'll be fine if he falls, but I don't want him to have to restart, plus, he could hit his head of the platform because of the angle he's on. Quickly assessing the situation, I decide that if I don't help soon he's going to fall. I grab the pole beside me with my right hand then lean out over the edge of the platform towards Tom. I swing out and just as his fingers slipped off the loop, I managed to wrap my left arm around his waist. I grunt I the pain of the weight my body is holding, but pay no attention to it. He immediately wraps his arms around my torso and I pull on the pole to help stand me back up again. Eventually I'm standing straight up again. I let go of the pole and swing Tom onto the platform. His feet hit the ground and he lets go of me then collapses onto the ground. I sit down in front of him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I just need to take a quick break. Thanks for not letting me fall. I really didn't want to restart." He says, breathing heavily. "No problem. I wouldn't have wanted to restart either." I tell him, then pat his shoulder. I put my hand back at my side and position myself so I'm criss cross. |Do you think you can do the next one?" I ask, concern in my voice. "Because you just became my friend, you can't die on me now." I joke. "No, I can do it. Today is not the day I die, Besides, If I give up now, you would've just saved me for nothing, and that's not fair." He says. :Good, you ready?" I ask. He sighs, then nods his head. "Yeah, lets do this." He says confidently. I smirk then stand up. I offer Tom a hand and he looks up at me, his brown eyes looking into my (y/e/c) ones. He smiles and grab myhand. I help him to his feet and we both face the next obstacle, trapeze bar swings. "I can go first this time." Tom volunteers. "You sure?" I question. "Yeah, I got this." He says confidently. "Alright then." I say, and step to the side. He shakes his arms, then jumps out and latches onto the first bar. It starts swinging back and forth and he pumps his legs to get more momentum. Eventually, he lets go and flies through the air. He grabs the next one and his body jolts as his arms take the weight. His muscles flex and bulge and he works on getting to the last pole. He swings back and forth, the eventually lets go and grabs onto the next one. The pole in front of me has basically stopped swinging by now. Tom swings onto the next platform, then turns around to face me. I exhale sharply, the step forwards. I stand on the edge and wait for just the right time to jump. Once I think the time is right, I leap off the edge and grab the bar. My fingers curl around the cool metal and my body jolts as I drop and my arms hold my weight yet again. I pump my legs back and forth until I'm going fast enough to be able to swing to the lext pole. I let go of the pole I'm holding onto now and lunge forward through the air to the next one. I do that one more time and now I just need to get to the platform. I swing and then lunge forward. Apparently I didn't a little bit stronger than I wanted to because when I land on the platform I shoot forward. I almost fall off the other side of the platform, but Tom grabs my arm and pulls me back. He puts his hands on my shoulders and stops me in front of him. "I think you used a little to much force." He teases. "Gee, ya think?" I retort. We both chuckle and he drops his hands from my shoulders.I hear the main doors open and close again, causing me and Tom to look towards it. I turn around and look for who came in. It's Seb, but from back here and this high up, he looks small. "(Y/n)!?" He calls out, his voice bouncing off the walls and echoing through the room. "Up here!" I yell, waving my hands in the air. He turns towards me and once he spots me he starts walking towards the course. I sit on the edge of the platform and dangle my feet off the edge as I wait for him to get closer. Once he's standing as close as he can be, I can see what he's wearing. It's a red long sleeve shirt, jeans, and the metal arm. God I love that arm. "What's up?" I ask. "We need you in the costume room now." He tells me. "Dammit." I groan, then stand up and turn towards Tom. "Can you finish this on your own?" I ask him. "Yeah, but how are you going to get down?" He questions. "You'll see." I start. "Now, I'll get someone who's not in the prank war, but also not in the scene, to film Sebs reaction and send it to you okay." I tell him quietly. "Okay" He responds. "See you later." I say, then back up so I'm on the edge, my back facing the direction of the pole swings. Toms eyes widen as he realizes what I'm doing. "(Y/n)! What are you doing!?" I hear Seb yell. I salute to Tom, then push myself backwards off the edge. "(Y/n)!" Seb yells again. I feel my hair flying around and my stomach twisting from falling so fast, but it's so exhilarating. I land in the foam pit with an oof as I get consumed by the small cubes. I make my way over to the edge of the pit and pull myself out. I'm not even halfway out of the pit by the time Sebastian is at my side and helping me out. He pulls me to my feet and I almost fall because my legs are shaking. He instantly grabs my hips to keep me steady.I just start laughing.I can hear Tom chuckling quietly above us. "Don't do that, you scared the shit out of me." Seb says scaredly. "C'mon, they make that pit so you can fall into it safely." I tell him. "Still, what if you'd've gotten hurt." Seb tried to reason. "But I didn't. I'm okay." I chuckle,then run my hand over the metal arm. "If she doesn't go now she'll be late, and you know how much they hate that!" Tom yells down to us. "Right, lets go." Seb says, then take my hand in his and we walk towards the change rooms. " I saw you do the pole swing things. You did good." Seb says once we're far enough away from Tom, who by now, is probably doing the next part of the course. "You were spying on me?" I tease. "No, I just saw you through the window as I was about to walk in, so I thought I'd wait to see how you did and so that you wouldn't have to hang there to talk to me." He explains. "So that whole 'not knowing where in the room I was' was an act?" I question. "Yeah.." He admits. "Wow Seb." I giggle. We get to the change room and he just walks right in with me. As soon as the door closes Seb lets go of my hand and puts both of his hands on my shoulders and pushes me back into the wall. Before I can even say anything his lips are on mine. At first I'm too surprised to respond, but eventually I kiss back, letting my eyes flutter closed. He drags his left hand down my torso and rests it on my hip. It's not real metal, but it's still cold and I can feel the coolness of it through my tank top. My warm body contrasts against his cool hands. He pushes his body closer to mine so I'm tightly pressed again the wall and his chest. His right hand is still on my shoulder, but he moves it up to my neck and brushes his thumb over my jaw. As much as I'm loving this, we have a job to do, and I don't want to be late on my first day, so unfortunately, this needs to stop now. I bring my hands up and place them on either side of his face and lightly push him away from me. I open my eyes and put my right hand on top of his. He opens his eyes and looks directly into mine. He looks sad that I stopped him, but I don't blame him. I'm sad we had to stop too. "I wish we could've kept going, but we have jobs to do and I really don't want to be late on my first day." I explain. He just nods, places a kiss between my eyebrows, then steps back and lets go of me. "I love you." I tell him. "I love you too." He responds. I step forward and peck his lips before I head over to my locker. I go onto my tippy toes and grab my key from on top of the lockers. I unlock the lock and put the key on a hook inside my locker. I get my clothes out, careful to not drop my locket, then put them on a bench. I take my shoes off first then put them on the bench beside my clothes. Then I take off my tank top. I know Sebs in here, but I have no reason to not change in front of him. He's my boyfriend and he's seen me completely naked before, so this isn't that different. I pull his sweater on, then take off my work out leggings, and pull on my other ones, then I put my locket back on. I throw the dirty clothes in the hamper then pick up my shoes and put them in my locker. I then grab the deodorant and put some on. Then I grab my Adidas sneaker, but I don't put them on. I'm just going to be changing again soon. I grab my key then close my locker and lock it. I take my hair down and put the elastic on my wrist. "Okay, let's go." I say turning to Seb. He smiles and holds his hand out. I take it and we walk out of the change room and out of the gym. Seb leads me through the halls until we make it to the costume room, but doesn't let me go in yet, instead he tugs on my arm, causing me to turn towards him. "I'll see you on set." He says. "See you on set." I repeat his words. He smiles and kisses me before letting go of my hand and heading off down the hall. I smile, then turn towards the door, and open it. The people inside turn towards me. "You must be (Y/n)!" One of them cheers. "Yep!" I respond. The one who first talked to me comes forward. "I'm Grace, I'm the costume designer." She says, offering me a hand. I take it and we shake hands, then we drop our drop our hands at our side. "Nice to meet you." I say with a smile. "You as well, now lets go get you in costume and onto set" \she says excitedly. "Follow me." She orders, then walks to the back of the large room. I follow behind her. Eventually we get to a door that's labeled 'costumes'. Grace walks in and I follow her. The room is large and there are racks all around the room with a different actors name on each one. I spot mine and walk over to it. There aren't many, but the ones that are here look really good. "Which one am I wearing today?" I ask. Grace walks up and sifts through the different outfits. Once she finds the one she wants she pulls it out along with the boots from under it. "There's a change room back there you can change in." She tells me, pointing to the corner on the right behind us. "Okay." I say, then take the clothes from her and walk back. I walk into the little stall and slide the curtain closed. I hang the clothes on one of the hooks on the wall and put the boot on the floor. I pull off my sweater and leggings and put on the new outfit.

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