Chapter 9

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I woke up this morning before my alarm. I get up slowly, making sure not to wake (F/n), and grab my phone. I quietly make my way over to the bathroom and check the time. 6am, almost an hour before my alarm is supposed to go off. I use the toilet and wash my hands, then head downstairs to get some food. I head into the kitchen and put on some soft music on my phone. Hero, by family of the year comes on and I make my way over to the fridge, gently humming along to the music. I grab strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, and put them on my counter. Then I grab a banana and put it on the counter as well. I grab a bowl from the cupboard and a knife. I then walk back over to the fruit and start cutting up the banana. Ding! My phone goes off. I wipe my hands off on a towel and go over to my phone. It's a text from Sebastian. I quickly open it, and as I open the app, the song changes to Almost is never enough by Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes.

Morning doll. I don't know if you're awake yet, but I just wanted to say that I can't wait to see you today!

Good morning. I am awake, though I'm not supposed to be for another hour or so. I guess I'm just to excited to sleep, haha.

Yeah, I couldn't really sleep either. Um, just out of curiosity, what's you Instagram?  

It's (Your.instagram) Why?

No reason ;)

Ding! Imsebastianstan just followed you on instagram

You did not.

I did

I'm really sorry but I have to go. Busy schedule. I'll see you soon.

No problem, I'll see you soon.

With that, I turn my phone off but let the music keep playing. I go back to cutting up my fruit and putting it in the bowl. I throw away the scraps and put away any fruit I didn't use. As I'm eating, I decide to post one of the pictures I've taken over the last three days. I decide on the one that I took with Seb at his signing. I post it saying "I got to meet Sebastian the other day! He's just as sweet as you think he is, I'm still freaking out a little bit XD" I post it and soon enough the likes are flying in with comments such as:

"Awww, you guys are so cute! You'd make a great couple"

"Yasss! My two favs! You look adorable!!"

"He followed you this morning!? OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING!!"

I reply to that one saying "I'm not quite sure either, lol" And sure enough they freak out. Then Seb likes it and comments "We do look cute. Can't wait to see you at the panel today" And that sends the fans into a frenzy. The comments are coming in so fast, I can't even read them. I go to look at my profile and refresh it. My follower count went from 2,568, to 3,236. "God dammit Sebastian, there are going to be so many theories now." I say out loud with a laugh. I just let them do their thing and go to the explore page to browse for a bit. Which was a horrible idea. The picture I posted is everywhere with a whole bunch of theories. I read a few of them, and most of them are pretty close, but none of them are 100%. But some of them are WAYYY off. I contemplate taking the photo down and posting one of me and (F/n) instead, but decide against it since it'll probably make people suspicious, not that I need to worry about it, but I just don't want anything bad to happen to Seb, so I just close Instagram and finish my food. 

Once I'm done eating, I put my dishes in the dishwasher, turn off my music and go upstairs to get my clothes and brush my teeth. I softly make my way upstairs and sneak into my room. I pad my way over to my dresser and grab the bag of clothes I bought yesterday, my undergarments, and head over to my bathroom. I go in and close the door behind me. I take off my track pants, tank top and undergarments and put on clean ones. I then decide to wear the black, high waisted ripped jeans, the white crop top, and the jacket. I then brush my teeth. Once I'm done I check the time. 6:55, (F/n)s alarm will go off soon. I walk over to my vanity and organize my makeup, using only the light from my windows. Just as I finish organizing my makeup with what I'm going to wear and what (F/n)'s probably going to wear, her alarm goes off. She quietly stirs in bed before reaching over to her phone and turning off the horrible noise. She reaches over to shake me, but when she feels that I'm not there, she sits up. "(Y/n)?" She calls out groggily.  "I'm up, I'm over here" I say quietly, now turning on the light on my vanity. 

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