Chapter 2: Tainted

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Chapter 2: Tainted

"Lore..." Argus sighed. Lore was always a strange dragon, he always seemed to have a sense of duty to Alskaavor; if someone was in trouble he'd go to hell and back just to assist, even for a stranger. He seems to never rest until everyone is happy, it seems. It's both a good and bad thing.

Lore soared through the skies at an alarming speed, any who were even near his path would get swept away in the torrent of air he left behind as he swiftly bulleted across Alskaavor. He did not take into consideration of all the hazards that may lay ahead of him, too.

"Zu'u los raghol! Where did the Defiler fly off to?" Lore spat. He was filled with wrath, ready to kill the dragon that was described, yet not knowing where to start and look.

Whilst flying over a great corrupted canyon a great storm erupted from the East, which, unluckily, was the direction he was heading. Lore looked below, there seemed to be two dragons fighting, the breaths of lightning and darkness intertwining like a cross-section in a harshly flowing river; violently. He heard a shout coming from one of the dragons below, he swiftly landed next to these two fighting beasts and stomped his foot to gain their attention. "What's going on here?"

"A- ah! Help me, zu'u bolog do hi! M- my friend, Aeiir, she just started attacking me for no reason!" the lightning dragon said. "A- and, please, don't kill her!"

"Very well, mal gein." Lore flew up into the sky, just slightly above where the shadow dragon, Aeiir, stood. "I suggest you move out of the way, I wouldn't want to hurt you."

"Y- yessir!" the lightning dragon glided over one of the nearby crevices that were carved within the canyon and reached the other side safely. "Remember, yolos gein, don't kill her!"

Aeiir began to pounce upwards and flap her wings along the way to reach Lore quickly, however he took in a deep breath and breathed out ferocious flames, however that wasn't enough and Aeiir got to him just in time to scratch his neck. Lore flew backwards a step to get out of her range and swooped downwards as she landed, she readied herself for another attack but Lore, with all his momentum, dragged her to the edge of the crevice and threw her in. A thump resounded from below, Lore jumped in after her, safely landing at the bottom.

"Why are you fighting your friend, Aeiir?" Lore asked, genuinely curious about this seemingly sudden change in behaviour.

"My... friend...?" Aeiir said softly. "I..." she got up shakily. "I'm fighting... Kyr... as he is my enemy..!"

"He's... your enemy?"

Aeiir stood, shaking as she attempted to sturdy herself. "All... who--" she paused, losing balance slightly from all the fighting.

"Aeiir? Are you okay?" Lore walked closer slowly.

"--oppose us, will die!" Aeiir lunged herself at Lore, surprising him in the process, before he was able to process what was happening she bit into his arm tearing his flesh off beneath his scales.

Lore roared in pain as the flesh was torn off his arm, blood beginning to pour out at an almost alarming rate. He whacked Aeiir off with as much strength as he could muster from his tail and stabbed her in the side with his diamond-shaped tail-spike in the process, she violently crashed into the jagged rock walls behind her. "Aan ahraan!? W- what is wrong with you?!"

"I am going to kill  you, yolos gein!" Aeiir swiftly got up, blood dripping from her side after being stabbed. She lunged forth at Lore once again, however Lore could not move quickly enough and she slashed at his wing creating a tear in the thin leathery skin that bound the wings so he could fly. Suddenly the storm that was looming from the East made its way to the canyon, rain started pelting down on the two injured dragons at the base of the canyon.

Kyr, the lightning dragon atop the canyon,  rushed over and looked down to see that Lore and Aeiir were both still fighting, and it seemed to be to the death. "Why is this happening...?" Kyr's expression changed from scared to absolute horror as he noticed that Lore was getting absolutely mauled by Aeiir. "Silver one, are you okay?! Has Aeiir come to her senses at all?"

Lore leaped away from Aeiir as she pounced toward him. "She... hasn't yet!"

Kyr stiffened out of shock. "Not... yet...? I don't want you to die either! If she doesn't--"

"No!" Lore snapped coldly. "I will make her come back to her senses!"

Kyr sighed heavily, he truly did not wish for either of them to die if it had to come down to it... he truly did not believe that Lore could get Aeiir back. "I... don't want to watch this..." Kyr, tears in his eyes, flew across the canyon as fast as he could as the rain continued to fall like a barrage of arrows upon his jagged scales.

Lightning erupted in the sky, the storm was getting worse. The air was getting colder and much more dense, the sky was darkening from the clouds, but it was not just the clouds as the sun was also beginning to rest; the night was taking over.

Lore got thrown up against the jagged, crumbling walls of the canyon, blood dripping from many of his deep gouges and ripped flesh wounds. He was beginning to pass out. 'I- if... I truly cannot do this... I'm... useless against the defiler... am I not...?'

Aeiir stood above Lore, a menacing grin played upon her face, her pointed teeth gleamed in the darkness; she was definitely intending to kill. Aeiir placed her claws upon Lore's side and dug into his flesh.

Lore continued to roar in pain as his vision continued to fade. 'Ruth nii! What am I thinking?!I cannot lose...! She has to come to her senses! Now!'  He whacked his tail on Aeiir's head, she fell to the ground with a thud. Lore got up as quickly as he could, albeit shakily, and placed both of his claws atop her fallen body ensuring that she couldn't move.

The rain began to fall less violently, beginning to ease up and the clouds began to clear. Aeiir's eyes widened as she had finally realised what she had been doing. "I... I'm truly sorry..."

"Calm yourself, goraan gein, it is fine. I'm not the one you should be apologising to." Lore understood that she had finally come to her senses and placed his claws upon the ground once again. "Kyr ran off, but he's not far I can assure you-- if you go now you may be able to catch up. You're in a state far better than mine..."

Aeiir sighed, got up slowly. "Yolos gein, are you sure...?"

"Geh. I'm positive. Do not worry about me." Lore said. He sat down to regain his strength and attempt to recover from his wounds.

"Aal zu'u tinvaak aan laan...? What do you go by?" Aeiir asked, preparing to fly off.

"Lore. I'm a dragon of fire." Lore laid down, his eyes closing. "Be safe, Aeiir."

"I will-- farewell, Lore." Aeiir soared off into the sky, flying past the moon that loomed upon the sky drenched in stars.

The world seemed to be getting worse and the Defiler, or the Great Dragon of Shadows, seemed to be getting stronger, as just merely sleeping you could feel the eruptions from the Defiler itself.

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