A persistent and generous maiden

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"Silvertongue seems to be having lots of sex lately, hu?“ Fandral quickly licks his lips and leers as
he talks to Thor in an absurdly banal tone. The Warriors Three, the prince and, what now starts to
feel kinda awkward, Lady Sif are outside and on their sunny way to the palace.
Thor turns his head around in shock. Not for he feels involved in the brought up affair. He's
actually pretty good at forgetting that he very much is. But the simple fact that Fandral doesn't
even bother to lower his voice to a whisper appalls him. Sif wrinkles her nose in disgust at the said
"What?" Thor cannot think of any other reaction to this.
"Come on", Fandral continues, „there were some noises to be heard around his chambers. Don't
act like you didn't notice, he's your brother in the end! I think it's pretty odd. I would never have
thought of Loki having sex at all!“
"Fandral!", Sif threatens. But he just smiles and skillfully sidesteps her elbow. Thor hopes his
friend will drop the subject now. He really doesn't want to talk behind Lokis back.
But the warrior continues recklessly: "Yesterday I saw him through his window."
Yesterday. At this word Thor suddenly feels sick. The world starts to turn around slowly. I've been
with him yesterday.
"You know that one tower? The roof I use to climb up? With a fine spyglass one has a very pretty
sight there down into some very exquisite chambers. And their indwellers, of course. I was out to
see some of Asgards prettiest ladies … oh, don't you shoot me that glance, Hogun, you know that
I do such things", he laughs. "well, I WAS there for the ladies … but then I noticed some floors
above the one I use to observe that Loki was sitting in a chair near the window ..."
Thor stumbles but manages to keep himself from falling over. Volstagg laughs and pats his broad shoulder, but nor does he really hear nor feel it. A panic makes Thor numb and deaf.... and he was obviously occupied in something very dirty. All open mouthed, rolling his eyes ..."
FANDRAL!" This time she strikes him.
"OUCH! Oh well! Well, at first I thought he – leave it, Sif! - at first I thought the little bastard's
doing himself. But his hands were far from his – ah, you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong
now if I tell you that I badly cricked my neck whilst trying to get a better view of him."
"Oh, you sicko!“
"What? I was just SO curious to find out who else was with him then!"
All Nine, this doesn't happen! Thor cannot keep from giving a loud and horrified groan. Could
Fandral have seen him? Would he dare unmask him in public? He must stop this! He must! But
how shall he do anything but wonder how he is still walking with his knees trembling like this?
"Be cool, Thor, it's alright," Fandral mocks. "Your baby brother's growing up." Volstagg gives a
most compassionate sigh. "Okay, now all I could see was the very top of a shiny golden haired
crest between the little fuckers legs. But that's something, isn't it? I would have loudly
congratulated him if the distance hadn't been that far!" And the Warriors Three boom their
manliest laughs. Thor wants to throw up in relief. And I thought ... then he laughs, too. Louder
than he should.
"I turned my eyes away then. I really did. But some time after, it must have been an hour or more,
you know, some of these ladies do take their time with combing their hair, I stood up to get on my
way back down. It was then that I glanced over to Loki and his mysterious visitor one last time.
And guess what my unbelieving eyes witnessed: They were still pretty much on it. Same position,
nothing had changed. Except for the little fact that Silvertongue seemed to be a tiny bit swamped
by the service! You SHOULD have seen his face!"
Their cackling grows harder and even louder this time. Sif contributes a disgusted moan.
"I just WONDER who she is", Fandral rounds off. "Such a persistent and generous maiden!
Blond, okay, that doesn't give away too much yet. But I'd really love to know who she is!"
And Thors laughter abruptly dies out.

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