More Than a Friend

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Alex and Jason decided to get lunch on the weekend when they were both free from classes and assignments. They ate at the Italian place located about 10 minutes from the dorm. They had just ordered and were talking about classes when they both were interrupted by a tall dark boy who shouted, 'Alex!' 

Alex looked surprised, 'Keith? What are you doing here?' 

The boy approached their table and hugged Alex. Jason had a feeling that he wasn't going to like this friend of Alex's very much. 

'My God, you look great! How's everything?' Keith asked. Alex ran his hand through his hair smiled, 'Everything is pretty good, how are you?' Keith shrugged and said in a teasing tone, 'Not the same without you.' Jason rolled his eyes at the remark, 'Who the hell was this guy?' he thought to himself. Alex smiled, 'Shut up!' He then turned to Jason who was clearly looked annoyed. 'Umm, let me introduce to one of my seniors, Jason.' 

Jason held out his hand and shook Keith's. 'Hey, I hope Alex is not giving you much trouble,' smiled Keith. Jason shook his head and took out his phone to tinker around while Alex and Keith chatted for a while before Keith said his goodbyes and joined his friends sitting at a booth near the window. 

Alex was still smiling after he left. 'Who is he?' Jason asked without looking up from his phone. 'My ex-boyfriend.' Jason raised his eyebrows and looked at Alex sternly who was confused about the reaction. 'What?' 

Jason shook his head and started to eat the dish placed in front of him. Although Alex tried to make conversation, Jason didn't respond so he thought it may be best not to push it too much. 

After they were back at the dorm, Alex invited Jason to play a game on the Playstation, he had assumed that he would refuse but to his surprise he agreed. They had just started the first game of Mortal Combat when Jason asked, 'Do you still like him?' Alex took his eyes off the TV screen to look at the man sitting beside him seething in jealousy. He liked it. He liked it very much. 'He is a good guy.' 

Jason fumed even more and KO'd his character. Alex bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. They started the second game, 'Why did you introduce me as your senior?' Jason asked with a growl. 'Alex licked his lips and smiled, 'Are you not?' Jason let out a sigh to control his temper, 'Do you sleep with all your seniors?' Alex scratched his head, 'Well not everyone......'

He felt Jason grab him by his collar and push him down on the ground. He was on top of him with the scariest look that Alex has seen. 'Don't toy with me!' he hissed. Alex calmly put his hands on top of Jason's hands that were grabbing his collar. 'I wouldn't dare,' he whispered. 'Do you want me to introduce you to people as my boyfriend. I am ready to do so, but I thought it would be uncomfortable for you. I thought maybe you need more time.'

'Stop trying to undermine this. Of course it will be uncomfortable, of course I am scared out of my mind. I don't know what my friends will say, what my parents will say. But I am not going to let that destroy this. Do you understand?' Alex was stunned to hear Jason be so honest about the way he is feeling. His heart melted and he knew that this man would have his heart forever. 'What about you? Is this just about sex to you?' Jason was angry but he also looked confused. 

Alex caressed Jason face, 'I want you. I want you to love me as much as I love you. I want to ruin you so that you can never love another ever again because that's what you have done to me.' Alex's eyes glittered with pure love and Jason felt a shiver down his spine. He let go of Alex's collar and brought his hands to cup his face. One thumb traced his bottom lip and Alex opened it a little while staring at him with smoldering eyes that made him want to tear his clothes off. But he wanted something from him first. 

'Say it!' growled Jason while sucking at Alex's neck. Alex squirmed under him, 'What?' Jason looked up and brought his lips close to his lips. He nipped at his lower lip, 'Say it! Who am I?' Alex liked it when Jason acted all jealous and possessive. 'I don't know wha........' He ended up in a moan when Jason grabbed his hard on. Jason smirked, 'You were saying?' Alex took a couple of breaths to control his excitement and licked Jason's lips. 'You are a mean boyfriend.' Jason smiled before taking his lips aggressively. 

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