The Gift

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'Do you want to stay over?' asked Alex huskily. Jason leaned against Alex to take a breather from all the kissing. 'I......' He hesitated even though he wanted to say yes. Somewhere deep down, he was still freaking out about being with another man. Alex kissed the top of his head and hugged him tightly, 'It's okay, take your time. I am very patient.' Jason looked intently at Alex's eyes and realized that he would probably wait forever if he asked him to. That worried him a little. He moved back and Alex relaxed his embrace. 

Once Jason was back in his room, he lay down on his bed. He thought about whether he was doing the right thing. He felt attracted towards Alex, there was no doubt about that but what if this is all a passing phase. He didn't want to leave Alex high and dry. He still wasn't sure whether what he felt towards Alex was real love or was it a momentary attraction that is likely to fade with time. He sighed and closed his eyes. What was he going to do? Is he in too deep already?


Next morning Jason woke up and made up his mind to talk to Alex about all this confusion that was messing with his head. He washed up and walked next door to Alex's room. He knocked but there was no answer. Maybe he has already left for college. He was about to return to his room when the door opened and there stood Alex. He was naked except for a towel around his hips. Water was dripping from his hair and Jason felt unnerved at this sight. 

Alex raised an eyebrow, 'Are you going to say something?' Jason licked his lips and sighed absentmindedly, 'Why are you half-naked?' Alex chuckled, 'Is that why you knocked?' Jason shook his head and felt being pulled inside. Alex closed the door and pushed him against it. 'Do you like what you see?' Jason tried not to seem flustered but it was damn difficult. Alex smelled of pine trees and it made him tingle all over. He stared at the bead of water that traveled all the way down his neck to his shoulder and it made him want to lick it. He then looked at Alex who looked back at him warmly. 'How are you always so calm?' 

Alex sighed, 'You think I am calm?' He pressed against Jason to show how he was equally flustered. Jason could feel each and every muscle against his body. It made him tremble. Before Jason could say anything, Alex stepped back. 'I need to get ready for college and with the way things are now, I think i will need another cold shower. Can we talk after class?' Jason nodded and walked out of the room. The moment he reached his room, he leaned back against his door and sighed. 


After his classes were done, he messaged Alex.

'Need to talk, can you come over?'

There was no reply. He went about working on his assignments but in the back of his mind, he kept wondering why he wasn't replying. It was about 10 o'clock when he received a message from Alex. 

'Sorry. Sick. At home. Will talk when I get back'

He wanted to find out more. What happened? He was okay in the morning, was he not. What happened? How sick was he? Is he taking meds? He wanted to check up on him but he didn't know where Alex lived and he didn't feel like pestering him with messages. He made himself some cup noodles and ate while thinking about Alex. 


Alex didn't come back for a week. Jason didn't call but he wanted to. God knows how much he wanted to. He wanted to message but he was at home and recovering, it might be rude to keep pestering him. It was Sunday evening when he heard some movement in the next room. He had been working on some assignment and he rushed to the Alex's room to check if he was back. The door was open. Alex was standing there in cargo pants and a t-shirt, checking his phone. His back was towards the door. Jason rushed in and hugged him tightly. Alex was surprised, 'Is everything okay?' Jason nuzzled his neck and whispered, 'I was worried about you' 

Alex turned around and looked at intently at Jason, 'Sorry I couldn't call or text, they took my phone away.' Jason sat down on the bed. 'What happened?' Alex sat next to him, 'Fever, I passed out in class and they phoned my family. They took me home.' Jason placed his palm on Alex's face and forehead. 'Are you okay now?' Alex nodded and ruffled Jason's hair lovingly. 'You want some cake? Got some snacks and cake from home' Jason nodded and they both ate the chocolate cake. 'It's yummy, who made it?' Alex ran his fingers through his hair. 'I did. I felt better yesterday and I thought might as well make a cake for my birthday.'

Jason looked at him in surprise, 'Birthday? It's your birthday today?' Alex nodded and smiled. Jason got up and paced up and down. 'Should we do something? Do you want to go drinking?' Alex shook his head, 'I am still recovering so alcohol may not be the best idea. Let's just stay indoors today. Maybe we can go out once I am fully recovered.' Jason nodded and bit his lip. 'Can I get dinner? What do feel like having?' Alex thought for a while and said, 'Ramen?' Jason smiled, 'Okay, I will get some for you. You can get some rest till I come back.'  Jason booked a cab to get to his favourite ramen place, it was far from the dorm but they made the most delicious ramen that he has ever tasted. He wanted to do something special for Alex's birthday. 

Jason's effort paid off when Alex slurped happily on the bowl of ramen. 'This is so good, why have we not had this before?' Alex asked between bites. 'It's a little far but the ramen is awesome, isn't it?' Alex nodded. After they both finished, Alex leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes. Jason looked at him and he thought of all the nights when he wasn't there and the way he felt. Alone, the dreadful feeling of missing an important piece of oneself. He grabbed Alex's hand and squeezed. 'I missed you too,' whispered Alex. 

Jason sighed and then positioned himself on top of Alex who opened his eyes in surprise. 'I was struggling a lot you know. I didn't know whether I was really into you or whether it was just physical.' He said as he unbuttoned Alex's shirt. Alex didn't move, he let Jason have his way with him. 'And now, do you know?' He asked Jason who caressed his face. 'I know it's more than physical attraction. It was hell trying to get by without you. Knowing that you were sick really made me worry. I wasn't paying attention in class and I couldn't concentrate on anything. What have you done to me?' He looked intently at the man under him. Alex sighed and lifted his lips to kiss Jason on the lips. 

Jason flung Alex's shirt on the floor and his hands roamed the taunt muscles of Alex's stomach and back. Alex moaned in his mouth when he caressed his nipples. 'I couldn't think of what to get you for a birthday gift. You already seem to have everything so ......' He sat up and took off his t-shirt. Alex took at sharp breath at the sight of a half-naked Jason on top of him. Jason looked so handsome with his ruffled hair, clouded eyes and toned muscles. 'Do you like your gift?' he whispered as he leaned down to kiss Alex. 'Yes!' muttered Alex before surrendering to the kiss. 

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