Chapter Five

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Veil of Midnight

True Blood Fanfiction

By Singingfrogs

No copyright infringement intended

She had no idea how long they had been searching. The moonlight was barely able to penetrate the thick cloud cover that was preventing any sort of light to invade the dense branches of the forest trees and to illuminate the pathway that had vanished from beneath their feet.

Robyn knew she couldn't rely on her eyes; the light was so unreliable that she refused to be shown up in an area of expertise that she had boasted about. She knew far more about this creature, she knew what it looked like, what it smelt like and how it moved. It was these reasons why she found it so easy to track the creature and right now, she was relying on her sense of smell because her eyes would only contradict what it was she was following.

She placed her hand to the bottom of her fine, dove-grey cardigan, lifting the lapels from her trouser cladded legs as she repositioned and angled her slender figure over the fallen tree that was resting in her way. She ignored the silhouettes of branches that seemed to reach towards her with emaciated arms and finger like projections as she clambered deeper into the opaque forest with Eric at her side.

The foreboding air was biting at her being, the temperature having dropped dramatically caused the young woman to lift her arms, and the sleeves that featured the elegant spiral patterns were wrapped around her as she trudged further into the closing darkness. The scent she had located was still swimming to the front of her mind, clouding all sort of rational thoughts as she continued prowling through the forest.

There were no sounds of chirping insects, no sounds of falling leaves, just the wheeling of the wind against the tree's branches and the continuous thumping of Robyn’s and Eric’s feet against the compact wooden floor. Robyn was conscious about how she had not seen any animals yet. She knew of the deadly creatures that lurked in the various woods that engulfed Shreveport's surroundings.

Wild panthers and venomous Cottonmouth snakes were but a few dangerous animals that dominated most forests in this region of her homeland. Robyn’s eyes were constantly scanning, grimacing as she tried to get a better look at the forest around her as she continued to scan for any signs that panthers had nested in the trees or shed reptile skin to display the presence of a snake.

The young woman shook herself from her troublesome thoughts and ducked lower to the ground, ignoring the feeling of Eric’s eyes staring at her back as she took in the tracks which were unmistakably made by the creature. She simply smiled to herself, knowing she was on the right track as she tried to locate and possibly destroy the creature that had caused a great deal of problems for her over recent years.

Robyn looked back towards her lover as they continued their journey down the woodland trail on the western boarders of Shreveport. As Robyn started to lift her noise higher into the air, she realised they were coming closer to whatever it was that was radiating the scent of the creature. However, as they continued on their exclusion her eyes could detect a clearing in the forest resulting in her heartbeat to increase as the anticipation of possibly following a dud lead engulfed her heart.

Eric took in Robyn’s crouched form, noting how she delicately studied the footprints. He could see the frown overwhelm her attractive features as she placed two fingers to the print, obviously trying to determine a little more information as to where the creature had headed once it reached the clearing. As she tried to regain some idea as to what was happening she rested her hand to her knee, sitting uncomfortably on her joints as she failed to regulate the chaotic thoughts of her mind.

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