Ch. 28: A Day With You

Start from the beginning

"I-its nothing!" Jeno blushed.

"Really..? That sounds like an L.I.E~!" Jaemin laughed and walked over to Jeno.

Jeno shivered as Jaemin put a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, this is weird, but I don't think we ever properly introduced ourselves or got off on the right foot either..." Jaemin's eyes fluttered gently and he smiled softly at Jeno. "Maybe we can do better today..."

"I'd like that," Jeno felt so relieved.

"Well then," Jaemin smiled. "What's your plan?"

Jeno thought for a while.

"I have a place..."

"Open your eyes!" Jeno shouted.

Jaemin opened his eyes to the most beautiful place.

"This sky scraper penthouse is owned by Tao-hyung!" Jeno smiled. "Kris bought him another one across the city when they got married, so Tao handed the keys to my brother since he's next in line to get married."

The penthouse was huge...
The windows were tall and spacious. The view was amazing as the people, cars, and businesses were visible. The sky was joyfully light blue.

The interior of the place was decorated in a clean, modern style. The furniture and appliances all were in a grayscale, and there were bold pops of color here and there, creating a more professional and organized vibe.

"Whoa..." Jeno smiled at Jaemin's amazed face.

"Wanna eat? We get free room service since Kris basically owns the building," Jeno offered.

"We just ate silly!" Jaemin laughed.


Jaemin wandered around the floor cutely, eyes wide at the amazing view.

"Jeno..." Jaemin wandered back to him and smiled. "We should talk."

"About what?" Jeno began to feel nervous.

"About... Us..." Jaemin stared at his fingers, doing cute motions.

Jeno's heart was racing and he really felt out of breath. But still... Would Jaemin accept him after all he had done to him...?

There's no way.

"Sure, what's up?" Jeno decided to accept his fate calmly.

Jaemin was probably going to end their friendship--- whatever this was, here.

"Lets sit down," Jaemin motioned to the chairs.

Jeno sat down nervously, tinkering with his sweatshirt strings.

"So... I want to do something today...." Jeno looked up at Jaemin, sitting across from him.

Jaemin sat comfortably across from him, stunning as always. He was completely calm, unlike Jeno.

"...what's that...?" Jeno quietly asked.

"I want to get to know you today," Jaemin perked up.

Jeno was taken aback.

Jaemin wanted to know about him?
Did he hit his head?
Why wasn't he angrily yelling at him for leaving him to die...?

"It's not like you have to tell me your life story, Jeno," Jaemin said as Jeno had gone quiet. "I just want to spend today with you."

"I'm not that interesting..." Jeno found himself completely boring.

"That's fine, it doesn't matter," Jaemin smiled. "We met in the weirdest, most awkward way in school. And then there was that party..."

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