Montague vs Capulet Pillow War

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Yugi grinned widely as the blonde in front of him groaned in aggravation. He heard small snickers from behind him, and immediately recognized it as his other two friends.

"Yug'," the blonde groaned, "How did I lose to you at goldfish? It hasn't even been five minutes!"

Yugi laughed and shook his head.

"Jou, I don't think card games are your type of games," Yugi chuckled and smiled as he picked up the deck and began to shuffle the card.

"One more time!" Jounouchi said as he looked at the other with determination, "This time for sure! I'll win! I swear!"

"Jou, give it a rest," Malik scoffed with a grin, "Yugi is unbeatable."

"I will never rest!" Jounouchi exclaimed as he pumped his fists in the air.

"Shut up," Malik said as he threw a pillow at Jounouchi's face.

Jounouchi gasped as the pillow dropped onto his lap. Then he turned his gaze to Malik and smirked deviously. Malik, seeing this, also smirked, knowingly. Then Jounouchi lifted his thumb to his lips and bit it. Malik gasped at the Romeo and Juliet reference.

Yugi noticed this and looked to Ryou with a grin. Ryou, who was reading a book, felt the suspicious feeling in the air and looked up to see Jounouchi bite his thumb. He coughed and placed his book down, ready for what was about to happen before him.

"Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?" Malik asked with a grin. (Hey, are you biting your thumb at us?)

Jounouchi smirked and responded, "I do bite my thumb, sir." (I'm biting my thumb.)

"Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?" Malik asked firmly with a smirk. (Are you biting your thumb at us?)

Jounouchi looked to Yugi and smirked, "Is the law of our side if I say, 'ay'?" (Is the law on our side if I say yes?)

Yugi chuckled and answered, "No." 

Jounouchi nodded and turned back to Malik.

"No, sir. I do not bite my thumb at you , sir, but I bite my thumb, sir," Jounouchi responded as he huffed. (No, sir, I'm not biting my thumb at you, but I am biting my thumb)

"Do you quarrel, sir?" Yugi asked. (Are you trying to start a fight?)

"Quarrel, sir? No, sir," Malik said as he shook his head. (Start a fight? No, sir.)

"But if you do, sir, I am for you. I serve as good a man as you," Jounouchi said with a smirk. (If you want to fight, I'm your man. My employer is as good as yours.)

"No better," Malik said. (But he's not better than mine.)

"Well, sir," Jounouchi smirked as he got his pillow ready. (Well then.)

Yugi looked to Jounouchi.

"Say 'better'. Here comes one of my master's kinsmen," Yugi responded. (Say "better." Here comes one of my employer's relatives(Talking about Benvolio)).

"Yes, better, sir," Jounouchi said. (Yes, "better," sir.)

"You lie!" Malik said with a grin.

"Draw, if you be men.- Yugi, remember thy washing blow," Jounouchi said. (Pull out your swords, if you're men. Yugi, remember how to slash.)

And just like that, the pillow war began. Ryou attempting to sling shot a pillow across the room, and Jounouchi trying to smuggle Malik with a pillow. Then Yugi ran across the room and grinned as he tackled Ryou and began to hit him with a pillow.

"Long live the Capulet!" Yugi exclaimed as he slapped Ryou with the plush object, earning multiple laughs from Ryou.

Meanwhile, Malik had managed to slip out from under Jounouchi and hit him in the face with a pillow of his own. This caused an uproar of battle cries as he and Jounouchi were engaged in hitting and dodging pillows from each other.

Suddenly, Yugi's grandfather entered the room, hearing all the loud commotion. He held a serious face as the four boys paused and looked at the elder.

"Part, fools! Put up your swords. You know not what you do," he exclaimed. (Break it up, you fools. Put your swords away. You don't know what you're doing.)

At that, the jaws of the boys hit the ground. Yugi's grandfather had played the part of Benvolio. The boys hunched over in laughter as the serious expression of Sugoroku began to fade into one of amusement.

"Alright boys," he said, "That's enough. Dinner is ready, so hurry up and come down and eat."

Then he turned around and began to make his way back downstairs.

Jounouchi shook his head as he grinned and looked at Yugi.

"Dude," he said, "Your grandpa is the best."

Yugi chuckled and nodded.

"He's my grandpa," Yugi said, "Of course he's the best."

The boys all grinned and shook their heads as they all began to walk downstairs to eat.

"That was great though," Ryou laughed, "How did your grandpa know the lines to that scene?"

"I don't know," Yugi said with a laugh, "It surprised even me."

As they walked into the kitchen, the smell of spaghetti hit them in the face. They all grinned as they made themselves their plates and sat at the table. As soon as they did, Sugoroku cleared his throat and looked at Yugi.

"Yugi, the principal has informed me that he needs to talk with you and your friends on Monday morning," he said.

Yugi raised a brow before looking at the others, who all shook their heads, not knowing what was going on. Then he turned to look at his grandfather. 

"Did he say why?" he asked, curiously.

"Something about having a meeting with a Mr. Sennen," Sugoroku said thoughtfully.

Yugi paused and groaned, softly. The other three boys snickered as they remembered the other telling them how he punched said prince in the face.

"Okay," he mumbled quietly.

Sugoroku raised a brow.

"Is something wrong, my boy?" he asked.

Yugi shook his head and smiled up at his grandfather.

"It's nothing, don't worry," Yugi said, before turning to eat his food.

Sugoroku nodded and hummed as he ate his food as well.

"So, how was school today?" Sugoroku asked with a smile.

The boys hung their heads low as they thought of previous events.

"It was great," they all said at the same time with dead voices.

To be continued...

Gabby: Yo! I can't believe I worked some Shakespeare into my writing. *laughs* I hope you guys understood that the parenthesis held the translations in them to help you guys understand. Anyway, I own nothing! Except the plot! Thank you for reading! I update this story every Friday! Enjoy!!!

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