Welcome to Auradon!

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3 years after Evie and Jay arrived at Auradon Prep, millions of amazing things happened to the both of them. Jay was put on all the sports teams, and won M.V.P. a lot, because of his hard work and training. Evie had started her own fashion line, and became an instant popularity sensation. Jay and Evie were put into royalty classes to learn all the rules, and how to properly act, and everything a royal ought to know. Jay and Evie's teachers were very patient with them, and soon enough, Jay and Evie were put into regular classes after passing Royalty Manners 101 with flying colors. Soon enough, multiple guys were falling to their feet for Evie, and she loved the attention. She soon forgot about her promise and love for Carlos, and found a guy that treated her just like the princess she was. Chad became her new love, and Jay constantly reminded her of her promise. Evie felt bad, but Chad always cheered her up. Audrey was Ben's girlfriend, which left the remaining girls that were single, to chase after Jay.

Almost every girl labeled Jay as the hottest guy in school, and Jay admired that, but he knew his heart was saved for Mal. He loved her too much to notice any other girls. Ben and Evie always urge him to go out with one of them, but Jay shrugs it off and tells them his heart is saved for someone else. Evie always rolls her eyes at this, and Jay always rolls his eyes back at her. Ben keeps pestering Jay to get a girlfriend, and finally one day, two weeks before Ben's coronation, Jay just snapped. "Look, I don't want any of these girls here! My heart is saved for one very special woman, so please stop setting me up with other girls!" "Okay. Okay. Sorry Jay." Ben says.

Ben was getting fitted for a new blue suit when he told Jay and Evie his proclamation. "What do you think of me bringing a couple of more kids from the Isle?" Ben asked. "That's a good idea Ben!" Evie and Jay chorused together. "I already have the two kids chosen, Carlos De Vil, son of Cruella De Vil, and Mal, the gorgeous daughter of Maleficent. I saw her picture and read her profile, and I just knew she's the one for me." Ben said staring out at the Isle through his window with a star struck look in his eyes. Jay rolled his eyes when Ben wasn't looking. "What about Audrey Ben? I thought she was the one for you." Jay said. "She can't date me, because she's grounded by her parents for failing her French class." Ben said. "Anyways, when are they getting here Ben?" "Tomorrow morning at 8 A.M. sharp." Ben straightened his tie, and walked out of the room.

The next morning, Ben stood outside Auradon Prep, twisting his Beast ring around his finger. Jay stood on Ben's right side with a huge grin on his face, and Evie stood on Ben's left side, with Chad standing on her right side. The limo pulled up, and the driver opened the door. Carlos climbed out of the limo, and smiled at Evie, and then Jay, not noticeing Chad's arm around Evie's waist. Mal climbs out second, and Ben steps forward to greet her, but she caught sight of Jay, and screamed, "JAY!" She ran past Ben, and Ben turned around to see Mal running towards Jay's opened arms. She jumped right onto him, wrapping her legs around Jay's back and waist, while he wrapped his arms around her waist. Out of instinct, Mal grabbed Jay's face and smashed her lips against his. Jay kissed her back, and a few seconds later, he set Mal down on the ground.

Carlos was about to step towards Evie, but he saw Chad's arm, and his face turned tomato red. Instead of going towards Evie, Carlos covered his mistake up by walking towards Jay and Mal. "What's going on?" Ben asked staring at Jay's hand that was laced with Mal's. "Big brother Ben, let me introduce you to Mal, daughter of Maleficent, the woman that holds the key to my heart. I've also waited three years for her here in Auradon." Jay said. "This is the girl you've been holding out on?" Ben asked. "Is that a problem?" Mal asked. Ben didn't answer, and Evie crossed behind Ben and poked the tiny daughter of Maleficent in the back. Mal turned around and gave the taller girl a huge as best as she could.

"Well, Carlos, Mal, would you like a tour around campus?" Ben asked. "I can give Carlos a tour. I'm sure Jay and Mal would like to catch up on three years worth of being apart." Evie said. Ben thanked her and said, "At 6, bring Carlos and Chad to the castle for dinner, and Jay, bring Mal in something that well, isn't leather." Jay laughed and nodded. The entire student body of Auradon Prep split ways, and the tour of Auradon Prep, started.

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