Bad company part 3

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Eddie's pov.

It's been 2 days since Jamie was admitted to the hospital. He finally gets to come home today. I sign the papers at the front desk, as Linda rolls him out the door. "Linda, I can walk." He tells her. "I already told you Jamie, it's hospital policy." She replies. I finish up signing the papers, and wave the nurses goodbye. I walk out the door to see Frank's limo thingy sitting there waiting on us. "Were riding in this?" I say as the commissioner steps out. "Yes, it is my honor to have you in my van." The man tells me. "W- why I'm flattered!" I tell him. Jamie is already in the car waiting on me. I slowly walk tawords the big black beast of a thing, and Frank opens the car door for me as I hop in. The ride to our apartment was alright, the car rode so smooth, I didn't even know we were moving yet. Anyway, once we get Jamie up the stairs, and into our apartment, as soon as we close the door, he plants a kiss on my lips.

I drop my purse on the ground, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Don't you think we should take a few more steps in the door?" I murmur between our lips. He just smiles as he slips his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch with it. I let him, as we haven't done anything like this in a while. Although it was only 2 days, it felt like an eternity. I pull away, and look into his eyes. "Let's wait until you're a little bit better before we do anything." He smiles, and sits on the couch. "Don't your stitches bother you?" I ask him as I grab a beer from the fridge. "Eh, they're much better than they were." He reassures me. I grab the bottle opener, and pop the top of the beer bottle off. I toss it in the trash, and lay the bottle opener on the counter. I swiftly move to sit down next to Jamie. "So, about that love making thing, uh.. well..." I try to get out. "Do you think you're ready?" He finishes my Sentace. "No, uhh.. I was raped." I spit out. "When you were kidnapped?" I nod in shame. "I was to scared to tell you. I was still trying to process what happened." "Oh, Eddie." He says to me in the sweetest voice. "I will always love you, no matter what happened or happens to you, I will still love you." I smile, and gently plant a kiss on his lips. I pull away slowly. "Thank you Jamie." I say trying not to cry. I get up, and go to our bedroom to change. I pause at the doorway And look at him. "And about the love making thing, I think I'll be ready when You're all healed up." I tell him. He smiles as he turns on Netflix. I hear my phone ring in the kitchen, I quickly run to get it, with no pants on. I answer it hesitantly. "Hello?" I ask. "Eddie, a fore has just now been put out at your apartment." Dannie tells me. I drop the phone in shock, my mouth wide open. Jamie turns to me and looks. "What happened?" He asks concerned. "My apartment caught on fire." I tell him. He immediately gets up, and embraces me in his gentle loving hug. I hug him back gently as I try not to touch his stitches.

I love this man with all my heart. He is truly a blessing. I cry into his blue t shirt, making a giant dark blue spot in the middle. "Do you want to go over there?" He asks me in a soft voice. "No, not now." I reply in a raspy voice. He gently placed his arms around me, securing me in his grasp. "I love you so much Eddie." He tells me as he lays his head on mine. "I love you too." I reply as continue to cry into his blue t shirt, making an even bigger blue spot.

What would I do without him. I need him. He stands there with me, taking away all my stress and pain. I compose myself, and decide to go out to my old apartment.

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