What if we did?

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Jamie's pov.

"Knock Knock." Eddie says to me as she walks in the Locker room."Why do you always Come in here? Don't You have a date with That Hot guy from your boxing class?" I Ask playfully. "No.. He Canceled." She says. "More like YOU Canceled." I grab my pants from the locker, and begin to pit them on. She Looks at me with a smile. "You wanna go get some Drinks?" she asks me.

I sigh Deeply. "Fine, But you're paying." I say playfully. "Whatever you say Mr. Reagan." She says as she throws her hands up and walks out. I close my locker, Grabbing my jacket on my way out the door.

As we walk out,Eddie Realizes she forgot her purse "You wait for me in the car."She tells me As she runs in to get it. As she's Doing so, I Open the driver side door of her car and get in. I wait for her to run back and hop in the passenger side.

"Ready?" I ask her as she buckles her seatbelt. "Am I ready? Who do you think you're talking to?" She says playfully. We look at each other and laugh for a bit. I switch her car into first gear and start to pull put of our parking spot.

"Do you believe in soulmates?" She asks. "Well, I guess so. Why?" I respond. "Well, I read this artical that said that there's only a 1 in 1 billion chance you'd actually meet that person." She tells me. "Well do you beleive in soulmates?" I ask her.

She goes silent for a moment before opening her big mouth to talk again. "I do. Although, I don't know if I'll meet that person, I do." "Wow Eddie, I didn't know you had such a tender heart." I say jokingly. She punches my arm playfully as we roll up to the bar." Looks like we're here." Eddie says. "Yeah Eddie, I have eyes." I say. She rolls her eyes as we step put of the car, locking it behind us. As we walk into the bar, I can't help but notice these two maybe mid 20's guys sitting around the corner of the bar. That's a little weird. I brush it off as I walk into the bar with Eddie.

I shake hands with some of the officers in the bar as it is a cop bar. Eddie smiles and nods at the officers checking her out. I feel a hand grab my arm, and pull me back. It's Collin capply. Well, sorta.. He was transferred to another precinct. "Aye Raegan." He whispers. "Uh.. yeah, what is it colli?" I respond. "When are your ol' partner over there gonna bang?" I jerk my Arm from his grip, and walk towards Eddie. "What'd that guy want?" Eddie asks me.

"Oh, it's nothing." I say. "No, I wanna know." She demands. I sigh, and lean onto the bar island. "You know everyone's thinking we're you know..... friends with benefits or something like that." Her eyes widen. "Yeah..what are you saying? " She says. "Well, it's kind of annoying that everyone assumes that we've done it." "Done what?" Suddenly everything starts making sense to her. "The horizontal tango? The.. the.. uh.. what else do you call it?" I clear my throught as she's causing everyone to stare.

"Oh, sorry." She says as she calls the bartender over. I can't help but think what if we did? What if we were dating right now? What if we had ready done it at least 10 times by now. What if No one was gossiping about us dating on the down low.

What if we could have a life together? "Earth to Raegan... hello." She says as she waves her hand back and forth in front of my face. I quickly snap put of it, and look at her. "Yeah?" I stagger to say. "What drink do you want?" "Oh, uh..-" "Penis colada" Jerry intetupts. Eddie rolls her eyes as she tells the bartender what I want. "Seriously, you guys aren't a thing yet?" Jerry teases. "Yeah we are, we've told everyone except for you." Eddie smarts off.

"Eddie what are yo-" "Just roll with it." She shushes me. "O-kay." I say as the bartender brings us our drinks. Eddie snatches it from his hand, and quickly takes a swig. The bartender slides me my drink across the counter, and I slowly take a swig of mine.

Jerry walks away to the other table to talk to Collin. "Thank goodness that fly is gone." I say. Eddie chuckles as she takes another drink.

"Ah, nothing like a good ol' beer with my favorite person." Eddie says. I smile uncontrollably at that statement. "What?" She says playfully. "It's just a compliment." She smiles as she takes another swig of her drink.

"Well, I'm flattered." I say to her. "Well, aren't I your favorite person too?" She asks me playfully. I nod my head as I take a swig of my drink.

She blushes a soft pink as an unatractive middle aged man comes over to chat with her. "How are you doing beautiful?" He asks her. She immediately puts a sour look on her face as he sits down next to her. "You wanna get outta here with me?" He asks her again.

She just turned her head to me, and gave me a glare. I know she's uncomfortable, so I step in. "Hey man," I start to say. "I'm her fiance, so if you could please back off, that'd be nice." The man looks at me up and down. "Well, who would wanna date that ugly thing?" He smarts off. "Well, clearly you haven't looked on the mirror recently." Eddie butts in.

He takes a step back before falling onto the ground. Eddie jumps up to help him, lending him a hand. "Get away from me bitch!" He yells. Everyone in the bar turn their heads toward Her.

"She shoved me onto the ground!" He says. I step in, trying to control the situation. "She did not, you fell on your own." I say. he huffs and puffs before jumping up, and walking out the door. "That was weird." Eddie says. "Yeah." I say. I look over to see Dannie walking into the bar.

"Hey Dannie." I say. from the look on his face, it doesn't look like he's coming in for a drink. 'Oh no, What is it?" I say. He just stays silent, glaring at me with tears building up in his eyes. "Oh no. No, Dannie, You're scaring me." there's a wave of silence in the bar at that moment. The crickets aren't even chirping.

"Officer Janko, Come with me." He says. Eddie glares at me with a worried look in her eyes. And when Eddie is worried, You'd best believe there's gonna be barf somewhere. We both get up to follow Dannie out the door. We follow him around to our car, and hop in. we follow him down the road a little, and there it was, Eddie's Dad. Lying on the pavement. Dannie lifts up the crime scene tape for us to walk through. Eddie falls to the ground in tears. "Oh my god. Oh my god." She cries. "How did this happen?" I bend down next to her and place my hand on her back. She looks up at me with hurt filled eyes. I scoot closer to her, wrapping my arms around her.

She lays her head on my chest, and cries. Soon, Dannie comes over to talk to us. He crouches down to our level, and places a hand on Eddie. "How are you holding up?" He asks. She just looks at him. He takes a deep breath, and tells us what happened. "Well, uh... the purp came over to try to steal something from your dad, and he wouldn't give it up.. so.... He stabbed him 14 times in the chest."

Eddie moves closer to me, and dries her eyes with her T-shirt. It starts to pour the rain, so we scurry to my car to keep dry. Eddie says silent as the rain pours down onto the car. "Just take me home." She mutters. "I just wanna be alone." I start up the car, And roll over to dannie. I roll down my window so I can tell Dannie we're leaving. I roll back up my window, and I start to drive to Eddie's apartment complex. Once we arrive, I pull over and let her get out. "I'll be over tomorrow." I say. She nods and slowly starts to close the door. She stands there for a moment before opening the door back up. She jumped to me, giving me a giant hug. "Thank you Jamie." She whispers. I smile. "No problem." I say. we quickly hop out, closing the car doors in sync with each other.

we walk up the steps to her apartment, shoulder to shoulder. She fumbles with her keys for a moment before finding the one that fits the door. she slides the key in, turning it forcefully opening the door. she steps in, and turns on a light. she cracks the door as i walk back down the steps. "wait.." She says. i turn around to face her. "Yeah?" I say. "Do you.. think maybe you could stay with me?" She asks me sweetly. Stay with eddie? Of Course!!! i clear my throat. "Yeah.. I will." i say. She smiles, and opens the door a little wider so i can slip in.

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