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Eddie's pov.

It's been 2 weeks since I've officially moved in with Jamie. We got suspended for 9 days for something we didn't really do.We still haven't made love yet, only because I don't think I'm ready. He totally supports my decision on that topic, and I'm so grateful Jamie is my boyfriend. He's loving, and supportive, and after all, he is my best friend. Anyway, we are going to work now to tell the sarge about the whole deal with us dating. I'm kind of nervous, but... I can manage. We get to the precinct relatively quick. I get out, slamming the door behind me. I take a deep breath before walking towards the door. I open it, pushing it open so that Jamie can come in behind me. We walk down the long hallway leading to the Sargent's office. Jamie takes a deep breath before gently knocking on the door. "Come in!" A voice says from the inside. Jamie slowly opens the door, stepping in slightly. I follow in behind him as I close the door behind us.  "Reagan, Janko, what'da here for?" He says as he lowers his glasses. "Well uh... ya see... we have something to tell you sir." Jamie says hesitantly. " Okay, what is it?" Jamie takes a few steps forward, and takes a deep breath before telling him everything." Officer Janko and I have been living together now for 2 weeks, and... we are dating.. But just to let you know, there is no word in the police guidelines that says that partners on the job, cannot date." I am slightly impressed. Jamie smiles and walks out the door, I give him a fake smile before heading out to the car.  Once I get out of the building, I tell Jamie to meet me on 4th street. He agrees as he pulls out of the parking spot. I swiftly walk towards the nearest grocery store. I walk for a few blocks, to notice a guy following me. Dangit, my gun isn't on me right now.  I walk a little faster, only to notice He's walking just as fast. I pull out my phone to dial Jamie's number. I put it up to my ear to hear it ringing. I feel much safer when Jamie answers . "Hey, Eddie where are you?" He asks concerned. But before I could mutter any words out, I feel a hand grab my phone from my ear. I turn around to see a man with a brown bag. He quickly throws it over my head, and picks me up. I scream at the top of my lungs as he runs for it. I feel the cold New York air hit my back. I kick and scream, but that doesn't seem to do me any good. I keep screaming for a while until I hear a van pull up. "NO PLEASE NO!" I scream while crying historically. " Shut up you weak slut!" I hear a deep voice say from behind me. Before I could register what was going on, I'm thrown into the van. I land on my side, feeling the rough ground beneath me. "Let's take her to the warehouse, then we'll get her to talk." I hear the man say. " Yeah, good idea." I hear another one say. I just lie there, defenseless, helpless, kidnapped, What am I supposed to do? I hear boots hitting the cold, metal ground of the van. "SIT UP YOU DEFENSELESS SLUT." He says to me as he grabs me by my shirt collar. I reach for my gun, but then I realize it's not there. Godamnit what am I supposed to do? I hear my phone ring. Oh, thank god, it must be Jamie. I have a special ringtone for Jamie. The man answered the phone, putting it on speaker. "Eddie?" I hear him say. "JAMIE HELP ME!" I scream. Only to be shut up by a large fist in my face.

The man says something to Jamie, I can't make out what it is. Something about money. I try to sit up, but my arm collapses in pain. I try not to scream, but I just couldn't hold it. I let out a blood curdling scream. Half because it hurts, and half because I hope that someone might hear me. But that was a bad Idea, I just kept getting beaten with  every little thing I did. If I hadn't gotten suspended for something I DIDN'T DO, THEN I WOULDN'T BE IN THIS MESS!! Ugh. The van stops out of nowhere, throwing me across the back, hitting my head on the back of the front seat. "You like that? Huh?" A man says as he picks up speed. " You have no idea who you're dealing with here." I say whilst taking the bag off of my head. The man in the passenger seat comes to the back with me. He pulls out a rope, and grabs my hand. He squeezes it so bar that I think it's gonna burst. he jerks my hand around to the back of me. He grabs the other hand and jerks it around as well. " Please, Why are you doing this?" I say while crying. "SHUT UP!" he says as he ties the rope around my hands so tight, they're turning blue.the man goes back to the front, and grabs some duct tape. " please!!!" I scream. But he didn't seem to hear any of my screams, my cries, my pain, instead he just stood there smiling. He rips a peice of duct tape off and places it on my mouth.  He then takes his hand up, and swings at me a few times, until I pass out.

Jamie's Pov.

"As I was waiting for Eddie to meet me on 4th street, I get a phone call from her. She said that a guy was following her, and that she needed my help. But before she could tell me where she is, I hear her scream, then hang up.
I say to Dannie. " Well Kiddo, looks like we've got ourselves a kidnap investigation." He says as he walks out of the room. " Dannie. I'm serious!" " Are you sure kiddo? Because it looks to me like you're gettin pranked." " PRANKED? YOU DON'T KNOW EDDIE! SHE WOULDN'T JOKE ABOUT GETTING KIDNAPPED!" Just then, I get a phone call from Eddie "See, If she's calling you, then you're fine." I  answer it, putting it on speaker phone for Dannie to hear  " He-Hello?" I say causiously.  "You'd better find her before tomorrow, or she'll be 6 feet deep." I hear a deep voice say. A few seconds later, I hear Eddie scream. " JAMIE!!JAMIE HELP ME!!!!" She screams. Just then, the man tells her to shut up, and throws something at her. I hang up abruptly, clenching my fist in anger. " DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A PRANK TO YOU?" I yell at him. He sighs. " Not really." " See. Now would you please investigate?" I say trying to stay calm."  " I'll look into it kiddo." He says as he walks out the door. I sit there in shock, wanting to cry yet, wanting to punch something. I feel sick at my stomach. I wanna throw up. But I can't. I compose myself as I walk up to the dining room. I glance over to see dad standing there warmly smiling at me. " Jamie, I know you're worried, but as an NYPD police commissioner, i promise you, we will find her." That makes me feel so much better, but at the same time it doesn't.

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